"Shema" Hear O Israel!
A most scathing thought that in our sophisticated world with most major religions preaching about God, His Mercy and Forgiveness, one would even mention that.
Many of my articles have been centered in defense of the Church, and now concern over much of the negative philosophies that are infiltrating the faith of Christians and Jews is becoming paramount. Lately, I have been troubled with the manner of disregard of God, the Christian Church, and belief in what we have adopted for 2,000 years. New-age religions are becoming apropos in governmental and Hollywood circles, and self-appointed prophets seem to make new teachings on their type of god.
The Lord has spoken to me by sleepless nights with this concern regarding how too many have turned away from Him and there will be many whose souls will be in jeopardy if they continue this path. God does not desire to lose any of His creatures. That is why He sent His Son to make Himself known to humanity. Yet, I have to wonder, as in the Old Testament God allowed the Israelites to wander on their own before the Exodus with Moses as the first Savior. Perhaps much of what is happening now may very well parallel their plight.
There are statistics showing how many young people say they believe in God, but what the name means in essence can be anyones guess. Has the Resurrection of Jesus become just a story to some? And if that is true then the Incarnation is not important since the only reason for it is the ultimate Paschal Mystery, and our Salvation which will bring us to our own resurrection. I often wonder what Lent and Easter means to these new millennials. They need our prayers.
Have people forgotten what the Cross of Christ is really about? Does anyone think that with New-age there is no need for crosses in our lives? And to carry our cross there is suffering which is an important part of reaching that cross. No suffering, no cross. And without a cross no Resurrection. New-age has done away with suffering, crosses, and the one true God. Theirs becomes prestige and self-promoted glory.
Are we living in the End-Times at least with complete disbelief in the teachings of Jesus, His Father’s Plan to share with us His Love and Life, the Descent of The Holy Spirit and His living in each one of us? Are we taking God for granted? I believe that is exactly what the Lord is directing me to write about and unless we make Him the center of our lives He may let us to our own desires and we shall reap the loss of Grace. Without Grace there can be no salvation!
In my recent article titled “Hate” The Most Heinous Evil in our Culture, three examples of God speaking through Prophets pointed to the one symptomatic problem of the early Israelites when they constantly took God for granted. The same words are applicable today as God is calling us through prophets who speak for Him. Writing is one more way to to Prophesy, to bring God’s message of salvation to the world.
Let us ensure that God’s Place is number one by giving Him Praise and Glory through our own belief and spreading the Good News that Jesus Christ is alive and the Way to the Father.
Ralph B. Hathaway Lent 2019