It is time for us to rise up and take back our Church, the one that Christ founded and the one the has been hijacked by Satan and his minions. The thing is we can't wait around for the Clergy to save our Church, it is we, the Laity that must rise up and claim back the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Church, and we need to do it NOW!
But how, how do we do this?. It seems like such an enormous task. It seems like something that can't possibly done by mere lay people. And that is true, it can't be done by mere lay people, it must be done by God, through mere lay people. He has done this before and He can do it again, now and with us! Sure, there are many holy priests out there who are up to this task, but those holy Clery and Religious need US. Solitary Christians are invisible Christians. We must unite and fight for Christ, we must fight for His Church, because We the Church are the Bride of Christ and we have vowed as baptized and confirmed Catholics, that we will sacrifice and die if necessary to defend Her!
But how do we start? We start by actually learning the Faith and knowing what she teaches and dictates! We start by becoming Faithful, by celebrating the Sacraments and following all that She commands us to follow. We start by truly embracing what it means to be Catholic, and not just in name only. We must start living the Faith, not just giving the Faith lip service. That will require sacrifice and effort!
If you are like me, you grew up post Vatican 2, in an era in which Jesus was defined as "nice' and our friend. An era that disregarded Hell and promoted relativistic conscience. An era that embraced the removal of tabernacles and crucifixes as the center of focus at Mass and instead instituted hand holding and superficial worship songs. An era that negated the need for weekly Mass, regular confession and dedicated, committed prayer lives. You see, this is the era that convinced us that Satan isn't real and nobody goes to Hell. This was the era of Satan, an era in which he reigned supreme and we are now seeing and living the results of that reign. We are a Church in crises, marred by scandals and criminal abuses of the Faithful that are nothing short of horrific, but that is because Satan is real and very much horrific. Christ promised us that the gates of Hell would not prevail, but he did not promise us that many would not be lost, he in fact told us just the opposite.
I don't think that most of us can fathom just how bad it really is. We don't get just how many of our clergy are unfaithful and continue to violate their vows, probably because they never meant them in the first place. There is nothing more dangerous to the Church than a cafeteria catholic, especially when that cafeteria catholic is a member of the clergy or religious. They lead so many astray, because so many of us have become vulnerable because of our apathy and total disregard for the authority of the Church.
So, first, we must become learned in the Faith. We must become theologians ourselves and come to understand what our story is. What is our history as God's people, where have we come from? We must know this if we are to know where we are going. We must know what the rules are! We must know what God expects of us as a Church, His family, and his Children. Being lukewarm is not an option, we must be on fire, like Seraphim - the holy angels who burn with the love of God. We must become like that! It doesn't happen over night though, and this is an urgent quest. We must rise up now, and start the work, make the effort and live for the glory of God, in our homes, our neighborhoods, our workplaces and in our hearts. It starts right now, and it starts with each and every one of us.
We are in a battle, but not just a battle for our lives, a battle for our souls. If we can grow in holiness, we can spread that holiness. It is contagious and there is a fire and life of God within each and every one of us, just waiting on our YES to Him. So rise up, if all could only taste a small portion of what the Joy of God is like, this battle would be over before it started. True happiness is found in living for Him, our Father, our Creator, our Lover and our Lord and King.
Rise up now, start the fight. Learn and start living the Faith, and one by one, we can take it back, we can save the Church with the Grace of God, for ALL!!