Saint Dymphna and gut health!
Well, I forgot to post something last week, but anyway now we are in Holy Week! It seems like this Lent has dragged on for me - I do not know why. Maybe, I still miss my old pastor or who knows! It just feels different this year for me.
Of course, the weather here in Texas gets cold and rainy right before Palm Sunday. I can almost always predict the weather right around Palm Sunday weekend! Rain! It was windy and cool on Sunday. Since I did not make the early Mass with the palm procession - it was not the same to me. I kind of wish we could process after each Mass with the palms!
So, our mini-retreat is also focusing again on motherhood. Well, I am doing a little givewaway with a book titled "Mission of Motherhood" as one of the items to be given away, plus a baby wrap, a chapel veil and probably mother's tea. So, if you are interested in this giveaway - you can enter 2 ways either go to our Facebook page at Catholic Doula Program and enter there under the Giveaway posting pinned to top - just type your name in. If you are not a Facebook person, no problem, please go to and enter on our front page there and last you can email me at as final way to enter.
We are also offering an herbal course soon open to any one - moms, doulas, etc. I learned so much from teaching it last time. We will officially actually start May 3rd - but we do plan to have a special free webinar about our herbs for preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum on our Facebook page around April 25th or April 30th - just check our page above for webinar date/time!
So, focusing on postpartum time frame is what this last mini-retreat is doing. We know that moms need time to rest after birth - if you are a mother and usually remember getting up to do things like 3-5 days after birth - then there's something wrong!! In the old days, there was a period of rest for 40 days - yes, I said 40 days! The mother was pampered and had a retreat like setting in her home. She had friends, family or whoever help her out and take care of her needs from shopping to giving her sitz bath or just letting her rest. The mother didn't have to leave or take care of anyone. She just took care of her baby and herself - that was it. No meals to prepare, etc. It was such a wonderful time. Now, we know 40 days may not be realistic in today's world, but we do think that a shorter retreat would help the new mother so much. Now, we have a special SMART mother postpartum program for moms to learn about this - and we are offering now a non-certified route for anyone who wants to learn more and not be a certified doula - it is $100 off normal pricing to just take the course as non-certified. Learn more here about the course: - If you want to be certified, there's only a small difference in price sometimes - so just check out for more information.
I hope that mom's will enjoy learning more about postpartum work and we also do recommend the herbal course as we go over all kinds of herbs, from pre-conception to postpartum. I hope you all enjoyed this mini-retreat. I hope to do another one for summer sometime. God Bless.