Be a good child … that is all!
You and I deserve to be loved. And not with just some feeling of love. No, a real love not dependent upon feelings. A love shown in actions, in words, and in a gift of heart. A complete and pure love. We seek this love in many ways, many times in others. And so we search with our heads down on Earth. But Jesus asks us to raise our head and see His love for us.
On the Cross, Jesus showed His love in action. He told us of His love for us and of the Father’s love for us. And He emptied His heart to us, both figuratively and literally. Do we need to search any further for this unending love that will complete us? Can anyone love us as perfectly as Jesus did? Of course not. And yet we seek love in other ways, adding to Jesus’ heartbreak on the Cross.
In this Easter season, we get to celebrate Jesus’ love for us. He has laid down His life for us and now we celebrate. But we do not celebrate a dead man. We celebrate our RISEN Lord! Jesus is alive and He is with us. This is our honeymoon time. And how do we spend our honeymoon time? By spending it with our love. And we can do so concretely. At Mass, at adoration, or simply by lifting our hearts to Jesus and speaking to Him like we would a loved one right beside us. Oh, how He wants to be in our hearts.
You deserve to be loved and so you are. You do not deserve to be loved because of what you did, but merely because of who you are. You are a beautiful creation of God made in His image and likeness. Lovable and without comparison to the rest of creation. Yes, we are to love others as our self, but we are not to seek love from others that only God can give.
“Thou hast made us for thyself, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” – St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church
St. Augustine, you searched for love everywhere except in Jesus and ultimately found a love beyond your own comprehension in Jesus, help us to search for the love that completes us in Jesus.