Living within a Kingdom led by Christ the Lord
If I was God……..
…….and as my creation of humanity began to take on signs of disobedience, I saw the solution was not to be like them, but to become one of them.
My first step was to find a creature who has the attributes of a queen, but not lording it over her subjects. There are many monarchs that are too overruling for my taste. This person would have to be firm in stature, not leading others in victories of competition, but living by examples of love and tenderness.
She would have the strength of Sampson via suffering, without being revengeful. Her prowess could not pull columns down but pull hearts together. Her demeanor had to shine through obedience of free will - always trusting me in all decisions.
Searching for this person with docility but not timidity; having a heart that is open and protecting; one whom always puts herself last for those in need, this will be my solemn quest.
To this woman, I will send my Son and he will become one of them. My Spirit is going to complete this act of Incarnation and My creation will finally be my shining perfection.
The future of persons falling from fear will now look to her, my shining lady. She will be called Mother of God as my Son born to her will be God and man. Her Immaculate Heart will stand side by side with the Sacred Heart of my Beloved Son. She will be called by many names, most of all Queen of Heaven. All shall find “Refuge under Her Protection”. And she will be forever the Matrix of Heaven.
Generations will ponder the love she showed her son, my Son, and the sorrows she endured from hearing how she would suffer as her heart would be pierced; “and you yourself a sword will pierce-so the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed”. (Lk. 2: 35).
Taking her to the hill on Calvary, the agony she felt as her son suffered and died. And the joy she shared as her son, our Christ, rose as He said He would.
A woman of sorrows, yet a mother to all as she has become a means of Grace through which her only son Jesus may reach through the clouds of fear and disbelief to heal each of us. It is her Immaculate Heart, although many do not adhere to it, that will endure as the way to God, through her son Jesus Christ.
What mother would not go through all that Mary endured, and yet that’s exactly what many do live as a true mother lives for her offspring. That’s the Mother of God and why I chose her from many.
Be assured, devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, is a sure way to find solace through the troubled times we all live in. She is also the model of faith for priests and us as well.
Ralph B. Hathaway, May 2019