Events that changed world history
A king was preparing a feast in his kingdom, one that would be the envy of any other entity. It would be an opportunity to show everyone in his realm a most priceless heirloom that had been fashioned for this auspicious occasion.
He wanted all his servants and invited guests to view what had been hidden for eons until this treasure could be made ready. This would be his crowning achievement.
The best musicians would lead the procession; singers going first, the harpists following, and young maidens in the midst sounding their timbrels. The many invited guests would bring up the rear making this an occasion to remember.
Searching the kingdom the king planned a fare that would entice the most scrutinizing critics among men and they would certainly be well satisfied. This feast would top any ever prepared for such an affair.
All the servants would be busy, cleaning, welcoming the invited, and readying the great hall to satisfy the king’s desires. He was worthy to have such honor given to him.
On the day before the feast was to begin, the king took one last look at the decorated hall and came upon his prized possession, the heirloom, a fine collection of priceless stemware. As the equipment was putting a final touch on cleaning the glasses, he noticed that a film was inside each glass. Even though the glasses went through a very strenuous cleansing process, the film bothered the king. He said, “this is why I’ve invited so many guests, prepared this large hall for a great feast, to view my greatest treasure for all to see.” “Quickly”, he said, “run them through another cleansing and make sure each one is ready to be seen, sparkling, beautiful. and ready to join me for the feast”.
All those to whom this task was given readily and gently assisted in making sure that each fine piece of stemware was given a new period of washing clean expiating the film that had not been completely removed the first time. This now would ensure a perfect prize to please the king.
This is Purgatory, not a place of fear and trepidation. Just a period of final purification where all those souls, even already forgiven, will be ready to join the saints and angels with Almighty God once that last film has been removed. Purgatory, God’s way of preparing us to join Him at the Table Jesus spoke of where he would sit down with us and feast at this great wedding.
Ralph B. Hathaway, May 2019