How To Use The Power Within You
Let me invite you to come with me to Heaven. Let's go right now and see what we'll find there.
I often wonder; most people perhaps want to go to Heaven for fear of the other place where the devil pokes your backside with a big fork and the heat is unbearable.
Jesus described Heaven as a place with many rooms. This is because it was the only imagery that the people of the time could understand. They had seen many mansions and palaces so to describe Heaven in such terms would engender an image and a place that they would all long for. Certainly better than the place with acrid smell and burning flesh and gnashing of teeth.
But what do you expect to find in Heaven? Yes you. What is your idea of Heaven?
Some people see Heaven as a place where they will come face to face with God. They will know God, and experience His love more than they have experienced it here on earth.
OK ... let's grant you that. But what else is there in Heaven? What will we do for eternity? Sit there singing hymns of praise or playing the harp? What if we do not like the harp and prefer rock and roll, or jazz or other music?
Some people imagine Heaven as a pleasant place with beautiful green meadows and sunshine everywhere. Personally, I fear hearing my wife telling me it is time to mow the lawn ... again. How about those people who don't like permanent sunshine? Who enjoy the rain, or to hear and see thunder and lightning?
Some people imagine Heaven as a nice place where we all love and care for each other and help each other. But then, I wonder, why can't we do that right now right here? Why can't we care for each other, the old, the poor, the sick and the destitute right here? Why wait for another day in Paradise to do what can be Heaven right now?
Maybe I am missing the point. Maybe Heaven will be the place where I finally find the missing jigsaw piece of life.