The Hipster Heretics
We are living in wild times in the Catholic Church. In the news is a bishop (no less) who is offering a special Mass for Catholics attending Pride events in New Jersey. Why support a Pride parade which seems to revel in gay sex or at least supports this lifestyle choice?
Should the bishop in New Jersey celebrate those who gossip? They're born that way after all, because talking is in their blood.
Maybe the Newark bishop should consider loving the alcoholics who enjoy drinking and don't ever want to change? Shamefully, in my family we offered no support for my relatives who took to the bottle, but we didn't fully realize how wrong we were to not accept them and their drinking. What mean and spiteful people we were to suggest they stop!
If anyone is discriminated against and needs a friend, it's the smokers out there. Why not have a special Mass to help them see how much God loves them? Perhaps there shoud be an intermission halfway through so the participants can get in one more smoke?
We also know that people have genetic underlying factors that lead them to becoming addicted to drugs. Shouldn't we love everyone and help them obtain clean needles? After all, drugs can make some individuals happy. Besides, those who disagree with the drug users are pharmacophobic and hate them.
People who like to steal also need to be acknowledged. Stealing, gambling, and even bearing a false witness are lifestyle choices. Who are we to judge them? Shouldn't we support our stealing brothers and sisters?
A special blessing after the Envy Mass would be necessary for this particular groups' needs--so they may know God made them beautifully.
May I suggest our priests send out loving tweets for those caught in adultery to feel acknowledged and validated since so many people think it's wrong? In due time this attitude of hate will change with the right educational slogans. As well, so many people live together, maybe we need to follow the Gospel message of “love” and congratulate them in Catholic newsletters. After all, living together is a committed relationship.
What about those who are overweight? To tell the “weight challenged” to stop eating cookies and cake is insensitive. Striking gluttony from the lexicon would be a great first step to inclusion.
So many people struggling with so many moments of pride--which was the first sin by-the-way. Why can't our Church leaders get around to supporting all sinners?
Seeing as John the Baptist's feast is on June 24th, I wish we had someone like him with us today. Sure losing your head over stating a sin is a sin is tough, but losing one's soul is damnation.