The Power of Music to Lead us to the Divine
God may not judge you for the kind of clothing you have on, for God does not see as man does. “For man sees the outward appearance but the Lord sees the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). However, we should still treat this sacred wedding banquet, the “marriage supper of the lamb” (Revelation 19:9) with Jesus as the groom and the bride, his Church (that’s us!), with utmost importance and respect. If the way we dress speaks volumes, we should make sure that what our outfit echoes is respectful and pleasing to God. “Therefore, I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship” (Romans 12:1).
Getting in the mood
Athletes like runners, cyclists, and swimmers recognize that having the right outfit enables them to perform at optimal levels. As an average jogger, I know that in order to maximize my run, I have to have the right shorts, right shirt, right shoes, even the right hat. Jogging in jeans or in casual shoes just won’t make sense. And it’s not just the physical body or motion that are impacted by the clothing. There is also a psychological impact. I have to get in the right mood and mindset in order to have a decent jog. Athletes who have a deep respect for their sport, and are serious about how they perform, will dress accordingly, recognizing that there is a profound connection between the external and the internal.
Dressed for the Occasion
Dressing up for the occasion takes extra effort but what it shows is that we are taking that occasion with an increased level of seriousness and importance. Take attending a wedding for example. Getting invited to a wedding is an honor and deserves only our best and most presentable attire. We spend extra time and effort in getting dressed for a wedding. Sometimes we would even go shopping for clothes just for that particular wedding. As a Catholic, that’s how I see the Mass—as a wedding. The Mass is the great marriage feast between Christ, the Divine Bridegroom, and the Church, his bride. As the priest says “Blessed are those who are called to this supper,” we are reminded that we are guests humbled and invited to this heavenly feast. What an honor and blessing it is to be invited to this wedding!