Are you as courageous as the signers of the Declaration of Independence?
We know of failures with some past Church leaders, even bishops and cardinals. They are not the first and will not be the last. So, what are we to do when they fail? First, we must look at what we are to do when they do not fail. The Church leaders represent the Church as Mother. They give us the expectations they receive from the Bridegroom of the Church, Jesus Christ. So, obedience to the Church is obedience to Christ.
What happens when Church leaders fail? It does not invalidate the Church or any of Her teachings. It is definitely not good and we should not accept when our Church leaders fail, but it really does not change anything for us as members of the Church. Just as a bad cop does not give us the right to break the law, we are not given the right to go against the Church when Church leaders fail.
Does the failure hurt? Yes. And it should. Not that we want the pain, but we should experience the pain in order to help us heal the Church. Much like the pain from stepping on broken glass reminds us to stop the pain and then help our foot heal. Cutting off our foot really does not help. It only causes more pain.
Imagine if Jesus talks to you after this life and He asks you why you did not listen to His Bride. You respond with, but there are bad people in the Church and you could not listen to them. Jesus would respond and say, but that is My Bride and I gave Her authority over you. By not trusting My Bride, you are not trusting Me. And if you do not trust Me, how can you say that you love me?
Jesus, help us to love You even when others make it difficult.