What is Love? It’s the Attitude “I Want to Serve You”
Friday night I typically go to a chapel where they have Eucharistic Adoration all night. On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I wandered into the chapel. One lady was there and quickly left after I came in. I was alone with the Blessed Sacrament.
Now, this never happens. There's usually at least a handful of people sitting there praying. In fact, they have people from the parish scheduled to be there each hour - and I am not one of them.
So here I am alone with Jesus for about a half hour or so on the Feast of the Sacred Heart. It's almost like He planned this love encounter on His special day.
It's amazing what happens when you are alone with the Blessed Sacrament. It's only happened a handful of times in my life, and more often on retreat, and each time was absolutely beautiful and remembered fondly.
Alone with Jesus in His Eucharistic Presence, these words of love, truth and beauty start flowing into your head. Scripture verses that Jesus wants to remind you of come to mind. You can hear Jesus' voice so much more clearly. You can feel His presence all the more strongly.
It's just you and Him. Together. United.
There is clarity, peace and comfort in Your soul. There's a yearning to adore, to ask for mercy, and to pour your heart out to Him. You are brought to postures of deep reverence. Emotions come over you.
You're brought closer, you're drawn in, and you encounter the heart of Jesus. And the heart of Jesus is a place where you are deeply known, loved, and cherished.
Increasingly, I find that God gives me profound experiences of the Church's feast days, that allow me to more fully enter into and experience the truth and beauty of them -- to understand them in new ways. For that I am grateful.
Thank you Lord, for giving me the sweetest experience of Jesus' Sacred Heart on this holy feast day, and may you too experience the sweetness of Jesus drawing you closer to His Sacred Heart, and the beauty and fullness of our Church's feast days.