True Love
How often do we seek the protection of our Blessed Mother as we go about our daily living? Seeing and sharing in the suffering of her Son Jesus Christ—suffering caused by the sins of the world—Mary provides us her greatest shield—her heart. Truly, the depth of Mary’s loving character protects us against sinful temptations, helping us to live life to the best of our ability.
Being pure in heart, Mary was able to accept the fullness of God’s love and graces. The love and grace endowed by God provides strength of mind and spirit that protects our heart from hardening, particularly in times of great difficulty and sacrifice. Only with an open heart can one withstand hatred and remain loving in this world.
Surely, Mary faced such pressures as she gave birth and raised our Savior, with her husband Joseph, shielding Jesus from those who wanted to destroy Him and sharing Him with those who wanted to adore Him. For our sake and the sake of all humanity, Mary’s heart never hardened. Instead, with her motherly love, Mary shields us from evil as she helps us grow to be brothers and sisters to her Son.
Our True Potential
We need all the help and protection we can get as we face pressures in our world that try to separate us from our faith and love for our Lord. Such separation degrades the very heart of who we are and denies us of our true potential. Remember, however, when we seek Mary’s protection, pray in earnest for her help, or ask for her intercession, we are never left unaided.
By shielding us with her heart, Mary shares with us her innermost being which is forever united with the Most Holy Trinity. With Mary’s shield, we see our own great potential as human beings when we put our faith and trust in God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Like Mary, we too can receive loving graces from Heaven to persevere with strength of mind and spirit to live life with an open heart—enabling us to partake in our Lord’s plan of healing and redemption.
Mary’s Call to Us
In fact, with her protection, Mary calls to us to pray, especially the Rosary, for the conversion of sinners. The more hearts are converted, the fewer sins are committed to cause the suffering that Christ endured to save the world from damnation. By giving us the Rosary, which conveys the depth of the Gospel message, Mary gives us powerful armor against hell; it destroys vice, decreases sin, and defeats heresies.
Through the lives of Jesus and Mary, we see the purpose that love and fortitude have in saving the heart of humanity for all eternity. With love and fortitude, we too can shield one another from evil’s grasp by trusting divine providence in our daily living. Then, like Mary, we can help draw one another into the loving embrace of our Lord, carrying on with God’s mission of mercy for the sake of salvation.