Why Must I Love My Family Less Than God and Take Up My Cross?
I was on a retreat recently and at one point in the retreat we were asked to reflect on the images of God that we had. We were given a list of various images and were told to circle ones that fit how we viewed God and who God was to us right now in our lives.
I chose several similar ones: God of struggle, suffering, sorrow and comfort. God as friend. God as lover. But there were a few images that stuck out on the page as an aspect of God that I didn't know as well. One of which was: God of laughter.
I thought to myself: I do not know the God of laughter very well. That was an eye-opening revelation.
During one of our morning holy listening prayer sessions later in the retreat, I was struck by an older woman who spoke of seeing God in the laughter of being with her friends and playing cards in the midst of what was a very trying time in her life of friends dying and struggling with illness/health issues. She spoke that both could co-exist. The laughter and the sadness.
About a week later, I was with a group of Catholic friends playing various "adult" games one Saturday night. We spent about 3 hours playing those games which were largely centered on picking the most humorous saying related to a picture or word. We laughed the entire time and all that kept coming to my head was: This is the God of laughter. Faith-filled friends gathering together, forgetting our worries, and laughing at ridiculous games.
I thanked God for showing me that side of Him -- the side that longs for our joy, happiness and light-heartedness in the midst of whatever challenges we are going through. The God who longs to hear us laugh from time to time and delight in those around us.
May you and I continue to grow in knowing the God of laughter!