"A Lost Generation"
From writing 7 articles pertaining to Purgatory the thoughts of the suffering they must endure plague my thinking as to the intensity of their realistic realm.
Those reflections, one a vision, one a dream, and five just placing my thoughts in real time has made a difference in the way prayers play a positive role in the expiation of time spent (time only an entity in our presence).
Do they feel pain as we would if fire or freezing cold were surrounding our bodies? Are some in darkness or in pits and lonely, as has been recorded by a number of saints and mystics? What about those who have been seen (as I have more than once at night) seeking prayers from those whom God has allowed to search and confront?
An encounter of someone living or residing in your residence could frighten a person. But that usually would not occur with most since these souls will find their way only to a receptive person who prays for them.
One article titled “They keep coming seeking prayer; the souls in Purgatory” I related different encounters with one or more waiting for me to get out of bed and pray. If I was reluctant, they (or one) would make their presence known until I got up and prayed. It actually is not an arduous task, just tiring if your day has already been busy with personal and family needs.
For those who never read these articles, allow me the opportunity to detail some of those events that either led me to write about poor souls or have kept this activity ongoing. The first encounter was at the St. Bernard Church parking lot when I got out of my car and noticed a tall slender man dressed all in black standing by what I believed his car. We both acknowledged each other with a nod. Walking around to the passenger side of our car I opened the door to let my wife emerge and turning around in his direction he was gone. The lapse of time was about 15 to 25 seconds and he could not have walked fast enough to leave the parking lot. I told my wife that I thought I saw my Guardian Angel not able to ascertain any other reason for his disappearance. About a month later I awoke at night and saw him standing by our bed, looking at me. I was certain my Guardian Angel was watching over me.
The next event, a documentary called “Purgatory the Forgotten Church” on EWTN August 6, 2017, changed my thoughts on this man being my Guardian Angel in a hurry. After viewing this story I realized he was one of the poor souls looking for prayer. At that time I had no idea that he would have been allowed by God to seek out those who would pray for them. As time went on the realization that at least one had found his way to our home and the rest is history.
Often at night, either my wife or myself have gotten up from bed and caught a glimpse of someone walking in the dining room or as my wife has related to me she actually has seen someone standing at the bed watching me and waiting for me to get up or someone standing beside me while I am already praying the rosary. One afternoon I sensed someone was standing behind me and thinking it was my wife turned and no one was there. But, there was. There are times when I am in the recliner praying and sense a strong presence of someone else in the room. It does not frighten me and usually it relaxes me to feel their presence knowing God has allowed me to offer prayers of expiation for some soul.
Are these souls on leave from their suffering or is just being denied the Beatific Vision of Almighty God enough of a pains-taking purging? We don’t know the answer to that and many other questions about Purgatory and the so-called suffering they must endure. We are certain that Purgatory exists and it is a place (not a physical place with an address) that holds souls until the last of penance is paid before they are led to Paradise. Pray for the souls so they may find the end of this journey and be with God forever.
Ralph B. Hathaway July 31, 2019