Is Our Holy Father in Danger of Becoming a Mere Politician?
This year marks a high point in Christian persecutions worldwide. Recently Nigeria is in the news, with the fear of ethnic cleansing and open war being discussed. The violence between Muslim herdsmen/militants and Catholic farmers is escalating. Since 2015 nothing is being done because those in power are not responding to the cries of the Catholic bishops for an end to the attacks. Over a million people have been displaced by the fighting. Many have lost their lives in the bloody conflict.
Christians throughout the world are forced to pay fines, convert to another religion or be imprisoned, and even face death for their beliefs.
In the Middle East minority religions like Christians have been being forced out of their homes. Christians have not returned to places like Syria.
North Korea jails people caught with a Bible.
China remains a dangerous place to be a Catholic even after the Vatican brokered a deal with the Communist government. Christian churches in China are bulldozed. The State has refused to allow children to attend religious services. Muslims have been placed in education camps. China has even cracked down on Christmas celebrations.
In India, militant Hinduism threatens minority Christians. A new trend is for other citizens to accuse a Christian of a serious crime. Asia Bibi's case helped us understand Pakistan's blasphemy laws, and what international pressure can do to end this injustice.
While Americans think that there is no religious persecution here because of our Constitutional protections, the Little Sisters of the Poor are still in court fighting for relief of the “Obamacare” HHS mandate to provide free birth control to their employees or be fined millions of dollars by our government. While this is not death sentence, it is still a persecution.
How can we help persecuted Catholics? First, we must talk about what is going on. Information is the first step to recognizing the problem. But this alone won't stop persecution.
Prayer is the most valuable tool we have to help our brothers and sisters in faith. God's power is absolute.
Second, we should act. What can we do? Write to those in power. They listen when people write to them. Our elected officials respond to emails, phone calls and letters. Especially for small countries like Nigeria, the act of writing an email or making a phone call would have a big impact. The Nigerian bishops send many missionary priests to the USA.
How else may we help? Organizations like Aid to the Church in Need and the Knights of Columbus help those undergoing persecution and both accept money donations.
Sometimes it seems overwhelming when we hear about persecutions, but we have reason to hope. Recall the former Soviet Union which seemed destined to remain a place without religion. Many people prayed the rosary for many years for Russia's conversion. Today places like Russia, Poland, and Hungary are countries where religious believers are thriving.
We must have faith that God will answer our prayers as we work for peace.
More Information:
Organizations that help:
Knights of Columbus Christian Relief