Without sacrifice, we would not know what love looks like.
Sure, it will not make life a bed of roses. We all know how our God was treated and He promised that if we follow Him, we will be treated likewise. But if we love God fully, we can let go of our anxieties. God is … well, God. He is the God of the universe, yet He loves us little ants of the cosmos. He is in control and we can trust Him.
Life seems hardest in our anxieties. Those come either from situations in our life or decisions in our life. The situations become bearable when we know we have a loving God that would not allow a single hair to fall from our head without His knowing. If He is all-loving and all-knowing, we can trust God in our situations; no matter how bad they are.
With decisions in our life, they become a lot easier when we love God. He has given us the Church to guide us. When our decision has a choice against Church teaching and a choice with Church teaching, the decision has become one of following God and walking away from Him. Our anxiety is our unwillingness to trust that our God loves us enough that He knows better. If we think we know better, we walk away from Him much like Adam and Eve thinking that we can be our own god.
Mary, you loved God the fully. Help us to love God fully by accepting our situations and making decisions to follow God.