Isn't it ironic how quick we forget the Generosity of God?
From nothing our God brought us into existence. A thought that goes very deep even with Augustine as he asked “What was God doing before He made heaven and earth?” Different questions have been around for as long as man has been here. Some may not have articulated it in a philosophical manner, but all generations have queried the thought of what and how? Our bigger question is not what and how but why?
That’s where the deeper examination in understanding God’s purpose for our being here begins a search as to who God really is. Yes, we know God is Triune, and Forever. The past, as we know it, has shown God’s endless love and concern for us. We are his most precious creation, a living testimony to His gracious Fatherly Love and to prove this He sent His only Begotten Son to sacrifice Himself because of our sins. This is the answer to “why”.
Go back eons ago when the thought from God had not yet transpired (time only in our understanding) to create a world that still expands (as far as we are able to comprehend through Astronomy and Science). As we look at the wonder that is before us, if we could view the future as it unfolds, being given life becomes a window into the unseen. Yet, with life we behold a newness that we are a very important part in God’s Plan to share His Life and Love with us.
However, if we had not been born the essence of all that is would not include us. The reality of life with God would never be known and we wouldn’t have had that possibility to one day see God as He is. This is the why that encompasses each of us as life becomes a reality.
Let’s now examine the crisis we face with the unborn who do have an opportunity to share with God. What has happened with those children whose lives were beginning in the womb and suddenly life was snuffed out through horrible actions of abortion. They had a chance to share God’s Plan until the unreasonable excuses to terminate life has suddenly become a leading factor in a world where God doesn’t have meaning for too many so-called Christians, and unfortunately many Roman Catholics as well.
A warning to those who are reaching their golden years (as I am) that abortion is the mother of euthanasia. There will come a period in our lifetime where life may become so expendable that the choice to live may not be the choice for most. If governments get the upper-hand, as they appear in many countries, the extreme occurrence of political power may become the rule of life.
When we ask why, the answer becomes a question itself as the essence to understanding God can continue to elude us. But, only if our quest seeks reasons to satisfy selfish motives and not satisfying a heart hungry for wisdom. Knowledge is fine, but without the Wisdom that comes through the Holy Spirit and continues to grow in our soul, the knowledge becomes as a foreign entity without true understanding. Read through the Wisdom Books and see that it is the real knowledge that does not seek or expand on the scholastic attributes alone. Education comes through endless hours of intense study and examinations. Wisdom comes through the presence of Almighty God in ways that we can not explain. True many doctors of the Church had both, but there are countless others who gained this wisdom without books and PHD’s.
In and through the depth of the Holy Spirit’s constant urging and guidance of the human soul and mind, will we come to full stature with the Mind of God. This can be seen as total trust in God and dependence on His becoming that pathway to Him, with Him, and in Him. To become one with God, even in our finite existence, must be the desire of our souls.
Ralph B. Hathaway, August 2019