Pornography, the killing of a person.
So often, we overlook the Holy Spirit. There is God the Father. There is Jesus, God the Son. But God is made up of three Persons and the Holy Spirit being the one we often overlook. He is still God. Indeed, the Holy Spirit dwells wherever the Father or Jesus dwells, since the Trinity is always united and consubstantial.
The Holy Spirit is not another way to God. The Holy Spirit is God. We can call upon the Holy Spirit for help and we should. Indeed, I call upon the Holy Spirit for every one of my write ups. Just like we need a personal relationship with Jesus and His Father that is Our Father, we need one with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit may be hard to understand, which may prevent or limit our relationship with the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit wants and can have a very personal relationship with each of us. After all, it is the Holy Spirit that animates us. Fr. Simon from Relevant Radio says we could literally call the Holy Spirit the Holy Breath. And that is a beautiful imagery when we look back at the Genesis.
“[T]he LORD God formed the man* out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” – Genesis 2:7
Come Holy Spirit and guide us in our ways always.