Just Say It - And Make My Day!!!
This message via an image came to me after Communion tonight. I started to tear up and be sad and knew why. Recently a booklet titled "Mary Why do You Cry, " ended up on my prayer table/corner in my kitchen. Like a good very loving Mother ---she cries for her children.
I knew my heart had just connected with our Lord and the Blessed Mother---and the whole Body of Christ who watches the earth and all the children of God. So, I too, started to cry.
Then the image given. It was one of all these people in the waters of life---or one great big ocean. People all striving to keep their head above the waters, desperately wanting to be rescued, some secure with the live saving vests or rings because of being securely tethered to their faith and trust in God. But most waiting for help.
Again God is reminding us of the importance of our prayers for those who have no one to pray for them. Prayers are needed for the multitude whose souls need saving. They have no ideal of how they are going to be saved--and they continue to flounder and flail ---frustrated, angry and desperate for answers, as the waters of life overwhelm them.
It is no wonder that Mary cries and her messages always are saying "PRAY, my children, PRAY!" One of the earliest messages I received was on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I sensed her strong holy Presence and she spoke to my heart just as God speaks to our heart.
“My Children, If only you knew what lies in the future, you would pray with more intensity. You would cry for the children not yet born; cry for the children born but dead to the world. You would spend hours on your knees begging for God’s merciful love to be poured out over all of mankind. My children, you do not love enough for the hurts of others to become your own. Your hearts are still shallow and empty of the Presence of Jesus and filled with the many worldly desires and concerns. Pray my children, pray for what is to come.”
This message came in 1994 and sadly her words are being fulfilled today.
"Pray my Children Pray."
See the images of all the flooding, the hurricanes the tsunamis that are shown on television and your computers. Now close your eyes and see the image given to me of nothing but the ocean left and all the people clinging to whatever, or nothing at all. Now answer God's plea for us to PRAY. Pray from your heart and focus on the faces---oh is that someone you know and love about to die? Desperate for help to stay alive. That is a reality that could easily come to pass this day, in the world we live in. Is it not? "Pray, my children, Pray."