Wait for the Vision’s Fulfillment
I remember complaining about having to pray Liturgy of the Hours when I first had to start doing it during formation for becoming a third order Franciscan.
I would lament that I got nothing out of this prayer practice to my Formation Director. I couldn't understand why I had to do it other than obedience -- that it was required of my order.
Then he taught me something important about Liturgy of the Hours. The main point of this prayer practice is to pray the psalms like Jesus did in communion with the Church.
Over time, I have learned the psalms more than I would have without praying them in Liturgy of the Hours, and I now turn to those psalms at different moments of my life. There is a rhythm to the psalms and canticles in Liturgy of the Hours that I've learned to appreciate.
But I've also learned another important aspect of praying the Liturgy of the Hours -- that it helps me sanctify the day. It's a structured prayer form of the Church that helps me pray without ceasing throughout the day.
So that's the sixth and final lesson of living liturgically. The Church's Liturgy of the Hours is a beautiful way of learning and praying the psalms, being in communion with the Church throughout the world, and sanctifying your day by praying continually.
Finally, on a side-note, if you ever get the chance to experience Liturgy of the Hours chanted/sung, take advantage of it. It's perhaps one of the most beautiful liturgical experiences you will have in the Church that will profoundly touch you.