Do you see Easter in your Lenten observance?
We are constantly bombarded with noise. Not always bad noise. But if we never get a break from noise, we never experience a much needed silence. Jesus Himself would take time away. He would find His silence. After the Twelve came back from castings out demons along with other ministry, Jesus took them away to a quiet place. We too need to replenish ourselves in silence.
Silence is a place for us to commune with God. He spoke to Elijah in the “still small voice”. Without silence, we continue to go the direction we are going without having checked with God, the all-knowing and all-loving Creator, what our best direction really is. It is like never checking with your teacher or parents when you have issues with homework. You just do it the way you think is best, whether correct or not.
“The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service and the fruit of service is peace.” – St. Mother Theresa. This holds true and if we forget it and break link of this chain of silence to peace, we lose our peace. Been there and done that, and I do not want to go back.
Mary, you experienced the Word made flesh within your womb and contemplated the mysteries of God within your Immaculate Heart in silence, help us to contemplate the mysteries of God in our lives in the silence that we give to God.