Spiritual Direction: Infiltration and Insurrection Heading Into the Abyss?
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
This is the opening sentence of Charles Dickens, 1859 novel, The Tale of Two Cities. It is also a metaphor for the beginning of this article. Absolutely nothing could possibly be like today- yet could it be? Consider what Dickens was comparing- the English and the French. At the time of the setting of this novel, they were sworn enemies and conditions of everyday life were much different in each country. Today this is not the case. Today we might wonder why the hostility? Why could not just get along? For the better part of the past 200 years, the English and French once sworn enemies were allies.
This is the introduction for this article today. Today with many young people embracing totalialism and willing to vote for socialists or communists-maybe it would be the perfect time to revisit the writings of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen on this very subject. Bishop Sheen wrote on this very subject in his 1952 book entitled, Worlds First Love. In this book he dedicated a chapter to two different visions of the world- one vision was from the Holy Mother- Mary and the other vision was from the father of communism- Karl Marx. Nothing could be more interesting for the readers of today than to look at the insight of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen on this subject.
[41] Mary begins with the soul and God. "My soul magnifies the
Lord; my spirit has found joy in God Who is my Saviour."
The whole universe revolves around these two realities: the
soul aspiring to an infinity of happiness which God alone
can supply.
Marx ended the first of his books with the words: "I hate
all the gods." For Communism there is only matter endowed
with its own inner contradiction which begets movement.
Since there is only matter, there is no soul. The belief
that each man has value, "is founded," said Marx, "on the
Christian illusion that every man has a soul."
There is no God, because a belief in God alienates man
from himself and makes him subject to someone outside self.
There is no God, but man. "Religion is the Opium of the
"All generations will count me blessed." She will be an
exception to the law of forgetfulness, because the Lord of
History has willed that she be venerated through the centuries.
History is Providentially determined. The progress and
fall of civilizations is due to the determined moral ordering of
human life. Peace is the tranquility of order, and order implies
justice to God and neighbor. Peace fails when each man seeks
his own and forgets the love of God and neighbor.
History is dialectically determined. It is not God, nor the
way men live that decides the progress and decay of civiliza-
tion, but a law of class conflict which continues until Com-
munism takes over and classes no longer exist. The future is
determined by matter. The [42] present generation and all
the past can look to a remote future where they will dance
on the grave of their ancestors. Certain classes are destined
to be the funeral pyre to light future generations, lifting
clenched fists over the corpse of Lenin.
"He has mercy upon those who fear Him, from generation to
generation." Fear is here understood as filial, namely, a
shrinking from hurting one who is loved. Such is the fear
a son has for a devoted father, and the fear a Christian has of
Christ. Fear is here related to love.
Communism is founded not on filial but on servile fear, the
kind of fear a slave has for a tyrant, a worker has for a dic-
tator. The fear begotten by the revolution is a compulsion
neurosis, born not of love but power. A revolution which
destroys filial fear of God always ends in the creation of
servile fear of man.
Both Mary and Marx advocate the exaltation of the poor, the
dethroning of the proud, the emptying of the rich in favor of the
socially disinherited, but they differ in their technique.
Violence is necessary. "The Kingdom of Heaven suffers
violence." But the violence must be against self, against
its selfishness, greed, lust, and pride.
The sword that strikes must be thrust inward to rid oneself
of all that would make one despise neighbor.
The transfer of wealth, which makes for the prosperity
of the poor, is inspired by an inner charity which loves God
and neighbor.
Man has nothing to lose but the chains of sin, which dark-
ens his intellect and weakens his will. By throwing off sin
through the merits of Christ, man becomes a child of God,
an heir of Heaven, enjoying inner peace in this life and
even amidst its trials, and an ultimate and final ecstasy of
love in heaven.
[43] Violence is necessary. But the violence must be against
neighbor, against those who own, who believe in God, and in
democracy. Egotism must be disguised as social justice.
The sword that strikes must be thrust outward to rid society
of all that would despise a revolution based on hate.
The transfer of wealth takes place through "violent confisca-
tion" and the shifting of booty and loot from one man's pocket
to another.
Man has nothing to lose but the chains which bind him to
God and to property. Thanks, then, to atheism and socialism,
man will be restored to himself as the true god.
Bishop Sheen´s Comments On Mary
It is remarkable how Mary begins her Magnificat with her
personal experiences, and soon passes on to identify herself
with the whole human race. She looks ahead and sees what
the effect of the birth of Her Son will be to the world, how
it will improve the whole condition of human life, how it will
free the oppressed, feed the hungry, and assist the helpless.
And when she said these words, her Son was not yet born -
although one would think, from the joy of the song, that He
[44] was already in her arms. She is singing here a song of pure
faith about something certain to happen because God will
make it come true, and not predicting the mere revolution
of blind material forces.
There is an intrinsic antagonism between her revolution
and any other, because hers is based on the true psychology
of human nature. Hers is based on the existence of an im-
mense want, so serious and so imperative that every honest
heart must crave for its satisfaction. Happy are they who
experience, within themselves, the expelling of pride and
egotism, and in whom spiritual hunger is fed - who dis-
cover, before it is too late, that they are poor, and naked,
and blind, and who seek to clothe themselves with the rai-
ment of grace which her Son brings.
Why now? Why this article? Fret not, we are not lost or are we? The United States is going through a period of time of major changes and upheavals. Good people are being drawn into bad things simply because they feel that they have little or no options. Brothers and Sisters, this is not the truth. You have a choice you know what is right and you know what is wrong. Look at the words of Bishop Sheen, can you ever pick the words of Karl Marx over the words of Lord Jesus Christ or his mother Mary? Which makes the most sense to you? Which would you like to follow?
Do not be deceived. Do not pay attention to such obviously vile ideas. Could you really believe that somehow the two systems could peacefully co-exist? These are words by which I stand, I stand on the side of the Holy Mother and Bishop Fulton Sheen, where do you stand?