Time Split in Two
On Oct 13, 1917 three children from Fatima, Portugal became a part of a historical phenomenon when a beautiful lady from heaven told them, “I am the Lady of the Rosary.”
She performed a miracle when the sun appeared to dance in the sky as if it was out of control, then came down towards the earth. Over seventy thousand people (some of these were newspaper reporters from Lisbon) witnessed the event.
Catholics do not have to believe in these apparitions as they are not considered a dogma. Still, considering what happened in 1917, with the Bolshevik-led October Revolution and its anti-God Communism, the fact that the Church approved these events, thus allowing the faithful to believe in them if they wanted, is important. Mary told the children the Great War (WWI) would end soon (which it did) but, if people continued to sin, then a greater war would break out (WWII).
Despite the historical events Mary foretold, a more vital part of what happened at Fatima is how Mary addressed the state of the modern world’s souls.
Mary told one of the children seers, Jacinta (in a private revelation before she died), that more souls go to Hell “because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason… and, “certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much.”
Other things revealed:
"The Mother of God wants more virgin souls bound by the vow of chastity. "
"Confession is a sacrament of mercy and we must confess with joy and trust. "
"Many marriages are not of God and do not please Our Lord "
"If men only know what awaits them in eternity, they would do everything in their power to change their lives."
Here is a most shocking interview with another of the seers, Lucia, by Father Lombardi. It was recorded in the Vatican weekly "Osservatore della Domenica" February 7, 1954:
Fr. Lombardi: "Tell me, is the 'Better World Movement' a response of the Church to the words spoken to Our Lady?"
Lucia: "Father, there is certainly a great need for this renewal. If it is not done, and taking into account the present development of humanity, only a limited number of the human race will be saved."
Fr. Lombardi: "Do you really believe that many will go to Hell? I hope that God will save the greater part of humanity."
Lucia: "Father, many will be lost."
Fr. Lombardi: "It is true that the world is full of evil, but there is always a hope of
Lucia: "No Father, many will be lost."
In the footnotes of this entry is the following to address Mary's statement:
“The reason for this statement is not because sins against chastity are the most grievous sins, but the most common and, as Sr Lucia stated, "because of conscience, " since sins of impurity are less likely to be repented of than other sins.
1) because the sense of injustice committed, which is the primary stimulus to repent of one's sins, is not strongly felt when engaging in them, with the exception of adultery;
2) there is a greater sense of shame when committing certain impure acts and hence greater difficulty confessing them in the sacrament of confession, or even repenting of them in one's heart;
3) sexual activity of all kinds is presented by our post-Christian — even anti-Christian — popular culture as natural and good, and sexual abstinence is even taught to be unhealthy. The sixth commandment, relating to chastity, has always been called "the difficult commandment.”
As we reflect on the message of Fatima one hundred and two years later, we must confront the problem that even in our Church we forget that God sends us prophets like Our Lady of the Rosary who present to us a map of how to find our way back to God.