Do you only do as Mom says?
There are times in our lives where we feel God pulling us in one direction, but it does not make any sense to us. I know that I have and still do ignore God’s pull. It shows that we trust ourselves more than we trust God. It sounds harsh, but it is true. We think we know better and that if God knew what we knew, he would choose our choice.
That is silly to say, “if God knew what we knew.” This is the all-knowing Creator of the Universe that keeps us and all of the universe in existence. He knows our situation better than we can ever comprehend. Again, we are not trusting. It reminds me of trying to set one of my children down when they cannot see what is below them. I tell them to let go, but they do not know they are only an inch off the ground. In that moment, they decide whether to trust me or fear the unknown.
That is the real crux of this. We fear the unknown, or at least that which is unknown to us. We are not really trusting ourselves, but fearful of the unknown. If God wants you to do something, but there is a chance you could get hurt (physically, emotionally, etc.), we get to decide between caving to the fear or trusting our God. Saying something in conversation may get you attacked verbally. Just like stretching out your hand to someone drowning may hurt your arm, but it also can save another.
If you have a hard time trusting, just look at a Crucifix. You are trusting the very Person that died to save you.
Jesus, I Trust in You! Help me to trust You better every time and to see past the fear.