Where Beautiful Gardens Grow
When we reach out to Mary our Blessed Mother to pray for us, we are experiencing more than the act of sending Mary our petitions. We are being given the opportunity to experience the depth of our Blessed Mother’s love. So great is Mary’s love! Our Lady gave herself to God so Jesus Christ could be born into the world for our salvation and Mary gives herself to us so that in essence we can be reborn for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Mary pleads our cause before Our Lord. Mary prays that we turn away from sin by turning to her Son who opens the way to grace and forgiveness. Truly, everything that Mary does is for our healing and redemption. Mary’s role, given to her by God, does NOT overshadow Christ’s role as our mediator and redeemer. Rather, Mary provides her full cooperation in God’s plan by being the loving Mother of our Savior and of us.
Mary’s Embrace
Embracing her Son’s work, Mary shares her love, faith, and hope with each of us by calling on us to do whatever Jesus tells us [John 2:5], which coincides with God’s message in the Transfiguration—“This is my beloved Son...listen to Him.” [Matthew 17: 5] The Son of God, the Son of Mary tells us to believe in the Gospel—the Word of God—and to repent; and we are given Mary to pray for us sinners.
By Mary’s intercession, her participation in her Son’s work of our redemption, and her mediation, Mary makes our heavenly encounter more intimate and profound. Mary draws us close to her Son and through our union with Jesus Christ, we are drawn to our Almighty Father and opened to the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. Therefore, by asking Mary to pray for us, we are asking our Blessed Mother to help us grow in this relationship with the God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—in the intimacy of the Trinitarian life.
Love, Faith, and Hope
Mary does everything she can because our Heavenly Mother knows exactly what we need to live as loving children of God. With Mary’s prayers, protection, and patronage, our love, faith, and hope will not wane. Instead we are given the strength to resist the temptations to sever our relations with the Holy Trinity, enabling us to see our role in this Divine union.
By following God’s will and doing what Christ tells us through the Gospel and by way of the Holy Spirit, we allow holiness to take hold of our lives and like Mary, we become active participants in God’s plan for salvation through our daily living and in our relationships with one another. Mary, the Mother of Grace, shows us the way to receive God’s graces that we are meant to share. Then, like Mary, through our loving prayers and faithful obedience, we can help restore hope to those who struggle to see God’s love in their lives, and in gratitude, give glory to God who calls to us and patiently waits for us. Heavenly Mother, pray for us!