The How of Happiness
The Amazon synod is taking place during October 2019 which discusses the Catholic Church in the Amazon region. As with the general synod in Ireland in May, and the Marriage synods in 2014 and 2015, modern problems are addressed in these meetings. Basically a synod is an academic meeting used to discuss issues related to the Church today.
As with the Ireland synod, many times these synods are just a way to understand the modern Church. But sometimes the results of a synod will shake the foundations of the Church. When a change of direction happens--like the idea that civilly divorced and remarried Catholics may receive Holy Communion if they feel their first marriage was invalid (but not annulled) which was a change found in a footnote of the post synod letter Amoris Laetitia--the synod may led to a division within the Church itself.
As for the Amazon synod, the most important issue being debated is: should the Church expand its idea of Holy Orders to include married deacons that would be ordained as priests and able to offer Mass and Confession to the people in remote areas?
As well, the idea that the Church must defend the earth from unjust economic gains--like deforestation in the Amazon region--and the loss of the way of life of the native population and respect for the region's traditions will be discussed.
The other underlying issue will be how liberation theology fits in the gospel message, something Saint John Paul rejected. Those of us who recall Pope John Paul II chastising a liberation theology priest will find more involved in these discussions than the younger generations who do not recall the Communist roots of liberation theology.
While synods seem to be slow-moving group discussions, that fact that the bishops gather to devote three weeks to find a common direction is actually quite amazing.
As we, the laity, have an outsiders' view, we must remember that we have the power through our prayers to help our Church leaders find the voice of the Holy Spirit rather than advance a pet project. When many gather together, some strong personalities are always involved. What may seem like the Will of God must be greeted with much prayer and prudence.
All of us recall the bishops' failure to teach the encyclopedia Humanae Vitae. Of course, as we look about at the many failed marriages, scores and scores of dead pre-born children, and a general lack of faith, hope and love, we can see that we failed. This was because of a division within our Church that stymied the Wisdom of God.
We must remain true to the real vision of Christ rooted in the Bible and divine revelation. As we look at the current and past synods, we must honestly ask ourselves what The Word of God, Jesus Christ, taught us. His Word is ever new and enduring unlike the tired words of men.