Your Greatest Calling is to be a Son or Daughter of God
Jesus is not holding back. He offers Himself completely to you. How can He offer Himself completely to everyone, though? Well, He is God! And if that is not answer enough, He offers Himself completely to everyone, but He does not give Himself to everyone. The key here is that giving requires receiving. A gift can be offered, but it is only given once it is received.
Still, how can He offer Himself completely to everyone? Ok, let’s keep going. How can we receive Jesus completely so that He has given Himself to us? This goes back to the title. We can only receive Jesus completely, if we give to Jesus completely, without holding anything back. This is not a one-time transaction either. This is an on-going relationship. Every day, every hour, every minute, and every moment…
Some may still wonder, but how can He offer Himself completely to everyone? Simple, He only gives Himself to those who give themselves to Him. This relationship means that Jesus gives completely to us and we give completely to Jesus. He never loses any part of Himself in this relationship. He gives and then receives it all back continuously in this relationship.
The love between a married man and woman is never just owned by one of them. It is a shared love that unites them. It is not one’s turn to love while the other just receives. They give and receive this love at the same time. And nothing is lost in this relationship of love. If anything, more love is result. Sure, not all marriages live up to this, but does not take away from the ideal, which is our perfect love relationship with Jesus.
Jesus, You never held anything back in offering Yourself to me, help me to never hold anything back in offering myself to You every moment.