Lent another year to consider fasting and praying more and asking for patience!
Hi, Friends, Mothers, Parents:
Perhaps you are pregnant or postpregnant - in that babymoon postpartum phase. Have you thought about having some extra pregnancy support or postpartum support?
In this day and age, we get bombarded with a lot of stuff as a parent, what to do and not do. Even the pregnancy myths of not having a cat around (suck the baby's breath - LOL- by the way cats are safe). Seriously!! But, do we parents have any real support during pregnancy or postpartum? Most of us go through this role alone or with our husband/partner who maybe clueless (esp. your first baby) on what to expect at birth and postpartum. In fact, a lot of fighting afterwards - like - I didn't know the baby was going to keep me up at all hours of the night? Right? OK, so what can parents do to obtain that extra support?
Hire a doula!! What's a doula? Isn't that the same thing as a midwife? No!
A doula is a support person usually professionally trained to give physical comfort, a listening ear, and even spiritual support during your pregnancy and after your pregnancy! Many doulas focus on just helping with pregnancy support and going to hospital/birth center with you and being their at your delivery. However, there are a few postpartum doulas that specifically help mothers postpartum in their homes - giving you the much needed rest for this time period.
So, how do I find a doula? What if I want a Catholic doula? Is there such a thing?
Yes, there are Catholic doulas. In fact you can probably find one at http://findacatholicdoula.weebly.com
But there's even something better - there's a doula training program specifically to train you in the prayerful and spiritual support of mothers at Catholic Doula Program www.catholicdoula.com Just explore if you are wanting to know more about doula training - we offer free samples in our Facebook group titled "Become a Catholic doula."
And we also can possibly connect you with a doula in training!
So, you may not want to become a doula - but we have just re-opened our online parent classes website now located at: http://stzelie.weebly.com - St. Zelie Parent Classes are for parents to learn about chilbirth education online. Our first courses will start in January - but we have early bird register right now - plus if you really want to start now - you have that option!
Anyway, this article is not just to tell you about fun websites - we want you to know what a doula does and how that can help you out.
So, a doula helps parents usually by meeting with them 2 times for "prenatals" (after the first free consult- that can be a phone consult). Anyway, so the doula meets with the parents and helps them with their birth wishes (planning) and helps them learn about comfort techniques that are unique to what she offers. Each doula may offer a bit different items in this department. I usually offer rebozo tool and skills to go with that time frame. I also offer Hypno-Doula services as well. This means I work with parents in order to learn self-hypnosis relaxation techniques for their birth time.
A doula will then come and be at the labor and birth time with the mother from anywhere from 12 hours to 24 hours on wards. Though many doulas will have a back up for longer than a certain time frame - to give themselves a break and come back to the birth when things speed up more and time for baby to arrive! Some doulas will stay beyond 24 hours as well - depends on the doula - so ask them! We usualy stay continuous through labor and one hour or so after to make sure baby is breastfeeding, etc.
A doula for birth usually does one postpartum visit! After that mom is on her own.
However, if you hire a postpartum doula, you can find someone who will come and visit and take care of household tasks, light cooking, meals, etc. for a few weeks after the birth - this time frame varies with each postpartum doula! Usually you get a discount if you book a certain number of hours, etc.
But, wait there's more - now we have virtual doulas!! This is a great way to help mothers that live further out from the normal range of where one lives. I have done virtual doula before and in fact that is where I am focusing my current services to help mother's long distance. The cost is a little lower than regular doulas - but I still charge for my time working with parents. I offer doula sessions as in power point slides put together with option as a webinar style as well. You can see an example of what I can offer at http://avemarisbirth.weebly.com - so check it out if you were wanting to learn more!
Virtual doulas are available usually texting, phone, other technology during labor time as well. I usually only offer up to birth time. However, if you want the phone/email support after birth - then that is an extra package. I do send a postpartum "physical" item in my gift boxes for mothers after you hire me as a birth virtual doula - during your postpartum time I send a small, medium, or large "surprise" box outfitted for your postpartum needs (there is a fee for each box). Anyway, we help take care of mothers afterwards too.
I hope this helps you see that there are mutltiple ways a doula can help parents with their birth time and postpartum time frame. You can even hire one virutally! So, even if you just reading this and say "I don't want one." That's fine. We are glad we educated you and hope you will send this little news item to a friend that may go, "I want one of those - a concierge for my birth!!" That's what a doula does!