Living The Worthy Life- Reflection on Love
Bishop Sheen wrote,"“This is the choice before us: either try to revolutionize the world and break under it or revolutionize ourselves and remake the world.”
What did he mean by this and how can we use it today? The answer may be much more simple than at first it appeared to be. Why? Are we not living in troubled times? Well it may not be as difficult as you anticipated. Several years ago, the “Occupy” movement spotlighted income inequality around the globe. While the protesters have since retreated from Wall Street and other economic power centers, this pressing issue still lingers on. In fact, economic disparity is on the climb, with 1% of the world’s population currently holding over 47% of the global wealth, according to Credit Suisse’s 2018 Global Wealth Report. Interestingly, Americans do not have to be extremely wealthy, in order to claim a spot among that 1%. According to the Global Rich List, a $32,400 annual income will easily place American school teachers, registered nurses, and other modestly-salaried individuals, among the global 1% of earners. Next time you go into the fast food place to pick up some food, think that many of the people working there could be in the Top 1% of the wealthy people in the world. Why do I point this out today?
To answer this question we might want to go back and look at the quote itself. The idea to get people all worked up over a cause is the underlying factor behind the reason to call for the protests or the revolution. It is not for your good but for theirs that they do this. It is power to control you and others that they want and need. Without this power, you will be individual created in God´s image with extra ordinary abilities. Instead of worrying about changing the world only to find out that can not do so like this- the powers will not allow us - change yourself. By changing yourself you can truly change the world around you. This is what Bishop Sheen was telling us and this what is really important for us to do in our life.
Bishop Sheen wrote these two very famous thoughts that equally apply in today's world, “Modern man has become passive in the face of evil. He has so long preached a doctrine of false tolerance; has so long believed that right and wrong were only differences in a point of view, that now when evil works itself out in practice he is paralyzed to do anything against it.” “In journalism, the modern man wants controversy, not truth.”
It may appear odd at first that coming revolution will be created by the media but when you begin to understand the purpose of the media- then you will see that it makes all of the sense in the world. Some people believe that all publicity is good publicity is good publicity. In today's society people have obtained status through their ability to influence others in social media. These social media people may have over a million followers and people they can influence. This influence is not based on truth but rather it is based on controversy, Why? It is simple fact that controversy sells. Yellow Journalism of the Muckrakers have turned to subtle words and products being used by social media influencers on their followers. The public was never told that these product endorsements were brought by the company. Many of the readers think that the products that were written about were actually great and all of the glowing words were true. This is simply not true. Much of we think is actually true was created to appear true and to deceive us. Bravo Bishop Sheen for seeing this one coming and warning us.