What do you do when your day goes bad?
No matter what we do, there is always noise. The TV is on, music is playing, talking to someone, and the list goes on. So much of our lives is cluttered with noise. Not that it is all bad, but if we never take a break from the noise, we never recollect ourselves. And while sleep is good for this, though not all remove noise during sleep, we need some silence when we are awake to recollect ourselves consciously. Otherwise, we do not give our conscience to talk to us.
Yes, we live in a world where we need to get more done. We have all of these conveniences that generations past never could dream of, yet we just keep ourselves busy with more and more and MORE! But what good are these conveniences if we never make time for ourselves. To make ourselves better. If we want to do more, which is good, we need to know what to do. After all, with all the conveniences we have, we still cannot do everything. And if we improve our self, we can do even more. It would be like spending 15 minutes to improve the lawn mower with new blades and taking 20 minutes off of your mowing time.
And so comes the importance of silence. But it is so much more helpful than we think. And sometimes, it is a bit painful. When in silence and giving your conscience an opportunity to communicate, we can be bombarded with messages. Messages of sins that we have committed. Messages of our wrongs that need to be made right. Sure, this is why most of us live in a world of noise. It keeps us from this stark reality. Your soul yearns for Heaven and these wrongs you have committed are distancing you from Heaven.
So, your conscience is trying to make you aware of your sins. These sins are making the road to Heaven more distant or simply unattainable. If we listen to our conscience, we are able to move ourselves down the road to Heaven. The 3 hour trip seems more like 3 minutes. Or the trip across the ocean is capable because you now have wings. Sure, it can be painful to listen to your conscience in silence, but the return on investment yields an eternal reward.
Saint Mother Theresa, you knew the value of silence to help us attain a peace out of this world. Pray that we might take some time in silence each day to listen to our conscience, so that we might join you in Heaven in the presence of our King.