Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Hello out there! I hope everyone had a great weekend, ours was action packed! On Saturday, all of our children and grandchildren were with us. Since all three of our children are married, we are doubly blessed and now have six children, and eight grandchildren, when you add my husband and me, that adds up to a bunch! We had a lot of really good food (we barbecued) plenty for everyone.
I especially love when we say Grace before meals, hearing my grandkids sweet voices as they pray is such a beautiful sound. My motto at meal time is: If you are still hungry when you leave, it is your own fault, thank you Jesus, we always have more than enough, no matter how many people stop by.
I love to cook, and bake,and taking care of my family is my #1 priority! My grandkids love to help me bake. I have so many great pictures of them in the kitchen with me. I had my two granddaughters that live out of town with me all week. Our oldest son and daughter-in-law drove in late Friday night. They all left yesterday morning.
We had a lot of fun last week. All eight of the grandkids have so much fun together, and they are all so sweet to the little ones. Swimming, baking, playing outside, watering the flowers, coloring, going to the park, to the donut shop, and a T Ball game were just a few of our adventures! All of my grandkids love the Junie B. Jones audio cassettes/tapes/whatever they are, and we listen to them while we are in the truck running errands. I enjoy listening to them with my kiddos, and we laugh a lot. My husband, on the other hand, is not as impressed. He thinks Junie B. Jones needs a good swat, but since the kids love them, being the wonderful "Pa" that he is, he grins (or maybe it’s a grimace) and bears it! I so enjoy having my family all here, but I have to admit, I am tired today! I hope your life is filled with love, laughter and hugs!
previously posted for my blog June 29, 2014