What Shall I Wear Today?
I challenge you to prepare for Christmas, His first coming and now His second coming by reading from Luke the Words that Jesus spoke and pray that you see what HE really was saying. Not only by His Words but example He gave. For instance --going in to the desert for 40 days, or drawing away for the world for 4 weeks, he prayed and fasted.
I started with the Gospel of Luke, for Luke starts from the beginning of the Life of Jesus on earth. First, we hear from Jesus as a twelve year old. "Why are you looking for me, I must be in My Father's House." (As should we.) But--in obedience, Jesus went home to 'GROW UP.' (Isn't that where we mature in Wisdom and grace--living life?)
After maturing in grace and wisdom, we find Jesus being Baptized by John the Baptist---where in Matthew, Jesus speaks to John,
“Allow it now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed him."
Here is another example of the need to reveal the HUMAN role that Jesus is to play on earth. He had to show us the WAY that we must follow ---by example. Humbling himself, he allowed the human to be controlled by the Father --doing only what the Father said to do or say.
For, Jesus said, in John 8, 28,
So Jesus said (to them), “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I AM, and that I do nothing on my own, but I say only what the Father taught me. 29 The one who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, because I always do what is pleasing to him.”
The reason? So he could truthfully say to us in John 14 v 12 12,
"Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father."
It is crucial for our sake and the sake of others soul that we BELIEVE the words that Jesus Spoke. Time and the need is great--and GOD needs you to believe in His WORDS. We must be the example, the Bible that others read.
Second example, when in the desert: when tempted---HE QUOTED THE WORD OF GOD ONLY TO THE DEVIL. He didn't rationalize, or make excuses---he simply set that sucker on his heels by quoting Scripture to him. (Note also, the angels attended to Him when He did.)
Follow His example and do like wise in times of temptation, weariness, and trials of any types. Know the Word and speak the Word out loud, as you pray, and live each day.
THIS Blog may be it for awhile ----as I am being led into a desert/oasis/learning place and may not be able to write til after Christmas. BUT you have a Bible (I hope) so embark on your own journey of going into a place to read and learn from the WORDS (and example) that Jesus spoke.
You are a human, and that is why Jesus came as a human ---so that He can assure you---"You got this, just learn from Me and believe. YOU can do all that I did and even greater! Believe it!!"
Do not think that Jesus was able to do all he did because He was God. If we use that excuse---we stay useless to the work we are called to do. Jesus WAS God, but He humbled himself and the human Jesus--- only did what God the Father led Him to DO, or say. When He did the miracles happened! BECAUSE he was obedient even unto death.
Hmm, is your commitment to Him only until things are good, and you prosper? Even in our suffering, God uses all to do His Work through us. Ya best BELIEVE that!