Embrace the Night for it Brings Light
“Come alive” and “Arise” I kept hearing in my prayer all of November.
“To what Lord?” I asked.
For some time I did not get an answer.
Then right before Advent on Thanksgiving, I got what I think is the beginning of an answer: Come alive to Christ being born in you. Come alive to your new identity as a called daughter, an instrument of the Lord. Come learn what it means to come alive as a handmaiden of the Lord.
It was spurred by reflecting on the Annunciation which happened to come to mind that day. The call and invitation given to Mary to give birth to Christ. The vision given to her without all the details and steps laid out. Pondering this story, I could hear the angel say to Mary, “Come alive, Mary. Step into who God wants and needs you to be. Go on this journey.”
Hear God say those words to you too.
God recently gave me a vision too...three words loaded with meaning...just like Mary received as she was called by name “full of grace.” A vision of who He wants me to be and how I am to give birth to Christ in the world with my unique experiences, gifts, and offerings. A new name. A new identity as a disciple.
This Advent, perhaps God is calling you by name too, and inviting you to come alive like Mary to the work of giving birth to Christ in the world, with all new possibilities.
Know that like Mary, that call may frighten or even trouble you, it may surprise you and turn your life upside down, and it may be laiden with uncertainties and crosses, but it will lead to giving birth to the Savior in others’ hearts which will lead you to Christmas joy.
That's His promise.
So come alive!