The Beast, the Antichrist Is Among Us!
I am in the garden—let me not hide, so I can find God—so He can walk and talk with me.
I am in the desert---let me not complain, but give thanks—so God can lead me into the Promised Land.
I am in the fire—let me not fear, but pray as Jesus did—so the Fourth Man can protect me.
I am in the storm—let me not panic, but pray "Be Still" as Jesus did—so God can calm the angry sea.
I am in the valley—let me not see the dark, but the light of Christ—so I can find rest and shade in His Shadow.
I am facing a mountain—let me not dispair, but believe so God can work a miracle for me.
I am at a standstill--let me patient, and wait upon the Lord and take delight in Him—so He can grant me my hearts desires.
I am weak—hurray—for Jesus is strong—and together we can continue to serve the Father wholeheartedly.
I am who I am, and where I am, so that the “Great I AM” can be in me, and help me be—the I am—God wants me to be.
So, rejoice always, in all things give thanks, and pray without ceasing—so that the Father’s Will—will be done for you, or the ‘I AM’ you are.