During the next few days I implore you to quiet your spirit and reflect on the enormity of Christmas. Separate yourself from the sentimental and consumeristic agenda and place yourselves in the presence of God. Then reflect on the magnitude of what Christmas is. On Christmas, the creator of the universe comes to us, as one of us. This is extraordinary! God steps out into the constraints and restraints of time and space and humbles himself to be born as a baby, in the simplest of settings, and in the quiet of midnight.
This is the plan that changed everything! This is the plan that led to the Fall or so many and continues to envelope us in an existence that knows no end or limits!
Be still and know that He is God. The One who created you, and everyone else in this entire world, for all time: past, present and future. The creator of things seen and unseen, known and still unknown to our feeble minds and existence. God is bigger than eternity, yet, he comes to us. The creator of the stars of night, the seas, the wind, the trees, the verdant pastures, majestic mountains, and all living beings - becomes one of US! It is absolutely mind blowing, and earth shattering.
Don't sit as a spectator at Mass, be absorbed into the mystery and very life of God himself - because that is what He was born to call us to - Himself. Then as you approach the altar to receive Him - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity - think about the baby asleep in the hay, who is now not only your Master, but your lover and your friend - a marriage bond cemented with the consumption of Him - the Eucharist. A consumption that makes us one with Him, and each other.
It should be overwhelming. It should shake us to the core and bring us to our knees. As we enter that Heavenly banquet we are never closer to the eternal - so be still and know that the incarnation was just for you, just for us, and waits for us at the end of that communion line!
Merry Christmas! Yes, O come let us adore Him, and love him and revel in him, now and forever, Amen!