Grinding to a halt or maybe not- the future of this cause is in your hand. It probably would stand to reason that the 20th century greatest American Catholic is causing problems in the 21st century. Well, Archbishop Fulton Sheen caused problems for some during his lifetime too. He did not play games, he was serious-minded and he worked amazing hours every day of his life. Few if anybody would have been able to keep up within in life or in death. Nothing has changed. The only thing that has is the Catholic Church. It was their word that began this process and hopefully it is our word that changes their heart.
What is Canonization?
Canonization, the process the Church uses to name a saint, has only been used since the tenth century. For hundreds of years, starting with the first martyrs of the early Church, saints were chosen by public acclaim. Though this was a more democratic way to recognize saints, some saints' stories were distorted by legend and some never existed. Gradually, the bishops and finally the Vatican took over authority for approving saints.
How Has Canonization Changed?
In 1983, Pope John Paul II made sweeping changes in the canonization procedure. The process begins after the death of a Catholic whom people regard as holy. Often, the process starts many years after death in order to give perspective on the candidate. The local bishop investigates the candidate's life and writings for heroic virtue (or martyrdom) and orthodoxy of doctrine. Then a panel of theologians at the Vatican evaluates the candidate. After approval by the panel and cardinals of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, the pope proclaims the candidate "venerable."
What Was Supposed To Have Happened On Dec. 21, 2019?
The next step, beatification, requires evidence of one miracle (except in the case of martyrs). Since miracles are considered proof that the person is in heaven and can intercede for us, the miracle must take place after the candidate's death and as a result of a specific petition to the candidate. When the pope proclaims the candidate beatified or "blessed," the person can be venerated by a particular region or group of people with whom the person holds special importance.
It Takes Two Miracles To Be Canonized- Now Let Us Accomplish The Second One
Only after one more miracle will the pope canonize the saint (this includes martyrs as well). The title of saint tells us that the person lived a holy life, is in heaven, and is to be honored by the universal Church. Canonization does not "make" a person a saint; it recognizes what God has already done.
Though canonization is infallible and irrevocable, it takes a long time and a lot of effort. Do not give up on this cause. This cause is righteous, this cause is correct, this process must be done now. If not now, when and if not today why wait? We have a great deal of history on our side. Bishop Sheen deserved to be honored as a Saint, you can make a difference. You are the difference, and with Jesus Christ helping us nothing at all will not be accomplished.
Sign this online petition and share the petition on your social media. You make the difference in the Church because you are the Church. Now and forever be the difference in this world and the next.