Come Holy Spirit!
With the baptism of Jesus, we see the unity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The heavens opened up, and the Spirit of God descended like a dove upon Jesus and the voice from Heaven said: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased.” [Matthew 3:17] The Spirit of God invested Jesus with a mission—to show the way, the truth, and the life—that gives freedom from sin.
Our own baptism washes away our original sin and the Holy Spirit is poured upon us, enabling us to be God’s beloved children with whom He is well-pleased. In this relationship, we too have a mission. The question is: Are we willing to accept our mission?
As children of God—as brothers and sisters to Jesus Christ—we have the opportunity to experience God’s love working within us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can share this love with everyone in our lives and with all those we meet. Consider the mission of Mary, our Blessed Mother and John the Baptist.
Proclaim the Greatness of God
Mary’s yes at the Annunciation allowed Christ—God’s love made manifest—to enter into her. In her mission, Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth as Christ was living and growing inside of Our Lady. John leapt with joy in Elizabeth’s womb at Mary’s greeting and Mary’s soul proclaimed the greatness of the Lord! In essence, the light of Christ shone through Mary onto Elizabeth and the baby in her womb, and they rejoiced.
John carried on this mission by proclaiming the greatness of God and calling on all to repent to make way for the Lord to enter the hearts, minds, and souls of humanity. To repent is to empty ourselves of what separates us from God and salvation. In other words, with all humility, obedience, and love for God, we must decrease to allow Our Lord to increase in our lives.
When we open our hearts, minds, and souls to God’s loving graces, the Spirit of Our Lord lives and grows inside of us. The light of Christ shines through us in our daily living. Yes, we too can proclaim the greatness of God and our lives can bring our Savior’s joy to the world!
For Our Mission
Perhaps, we have difficulty believing this truth because we are not completely invested in the way and life—the mission—of Christ our Lord. Let our hearts not be troubled. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit will not abandon us so let us not abandon the mission that will truly better our lives and our world.
Therefore, for our mission in 2020, let us use each day to empty ourselves a little more than we did the day before; let us pray and ponder a little more each day than we did the day before; and let us commit ourselves a little more to loving acts of kindness, generosity, and mercy than we did the day before. With each day, our unity with the Holy Trinity will be stronger than it was before, and we will find ourselves rejoicing more than we did before. Amen.