For Us Christ Is Life
Pain centers one on self;
“I”, “me”, “mine”, “self”
Becomes the norm: darkness,
With little resistance to sin.
Sacrifice always involves another:
“sacrifice with”, “sacrifice for”,
Putting another ahead of self,
Becomes motivation for action.
Each must decide which to follow;
Thought, to grow, to go beyond
Self-centeredness, requires
Wisdom, courage, acceptance.
Another one’s
Fully embracing movement
Of his will to to the will of his Father
Comes to mind.
Why? Men have wondered down the ages.
To hang upon a cross, to be degraded;
He suffered, not asking for pain killers,
Human, yes, but He also must be divine.
His entire life brings answers:
Before human birth, He knew all
That would be: yet
Perfect obedience He followed.
Redemptive suffering
Because of love;
Death and Resurrection for us,
Whom He loves.
To offer Him our aches,
To join with Him for sin committed-
Surrendering self to Another
Acknowledges Love with love returned.
“It is the sorrow, the contrition,
And the desire to love God which
Changes pain into sacrifice.
For what is pain, but
Sacrifice without love.” Fulton J. Sheen