Following up on being the Living Sacrifice blog , as promised, here is the way we come off that Cross of Guilt and leave the past behind. Learning from the example of Jesus' Words as He hung on His cross, we are given the steps to be set free from ours.
Gleaning from all four gospels, the first words spoken, I think, were words found in Luke 23: 34
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”
My beloved children of God--obviously if we knew fully the consequences of any of our actions or lack of actions, then would we do what we do or have done? So the first step in setting our self free of guilt ---would be to forgive our self, others and God too for allowing the suffering and regrets, the abuse that came into our lives or the lives of our children too.
Along with this line of forgiveness, comes the next step--reconnecting. "Son this is your Mother and this is your son," were spoken.
Family, is more important than being so proud you fail to reconnect by seeking forgiveness and admitting your mistakes in the lives of your children. Extend to those you hurt, that plea for mercy and forgiveness and show them what Love really is. Taking from 1 Corinthian's 13 theme--ask forgiveness for all the times you failed to love as we are asked to do. Speak these words, "Forgive me for not______________then go down the list given there in 1 Cornithians 12 starting with verse 4. Write them a letter if it is hard to seek forgiveness in person. Putting your words down on paper, is very effective too.
Continuing with this direction, remember the Words Jesus spoke to the good thief--who admitted he was at fault and therefore, the promise was given to him "This day you shall be with me in Paradise." Just as we too, will walk with our Lord this day when we come to Him and ask for forgiveness and mercy. (I highly suggest, too, that in the process of reconnection and seeking forgiveness---go to the Sacrament of RECONCILLIATION. There you will find the cleansing and PEACE your heart is longing for really completed.)
These last words spoken by our Lord are mentioned in Matthew and Mark both: “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”* which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The importance of these words for them then; was to show that He was the Messiah for these are the beginning words of Psalm 22 which describes the Messiah.
For us these words, if we choose to hear them--is to admit to the truth that we have felt forsaken, abandoned!! Because of these feelings, we have been angry at God for what has happened to us, turning our backs on Him. It is one thing to deny this, and you may: but deep down we must see the truth! We must do as Jesus. He spoke these Words as he died, and may they lead us to the Way to the Truth and the His Light.
Jesus spoke in Luke's Gospel, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”; and when he had said this he breathed his last." As should we, to finally see the last of our anguish----surrender our selves to the Father--and breathe all out that is killing us within. Scream it out if necessary ---but get it all out!!!
Then in John we find Jesus last words---"I thirst," and "It is finished."
Ask yourself this---just how thirsty are you to LIVE AGAIN? Then come to the Water--the Water of life so you can finally say--"IT IS FINISHED!" No more will I allow the past to cause me grief! Our God is waiting to embrace you with His loving arms and a big smile on His face! Come to the Waters.
Is this article speaking to you, beloved? Let me add this as confirmation you were to read it.
In God's very awesome mysterious ways--as I went to the Bible to find the Words spoken on the cross, the Bible opened and this prayer card fell out. A picture of the Good Shepherd (Psalm 23) and these words on the back. "My sheep hear my Voice, I know them and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of My hand." John 10:27-28
YOU are forgiven and you are LOVED!