If you are Catholic then you have a duty and must stop muddying up the issues of being pro-life with petty politics and self-serving agenda ideology. If you are trying to justify abortion by calling out others for not feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the prisoner, you are confusing the issues and hurting your own mission to bring relevance and credence to these issues. These issues are important, don't get me wrong, but downplaying abortion, the actual right to live, but spouting from a soapbox about all these other issues is abhorrent. You cut the throat of the argument. EVERY single human rights issue starts with the right to live. Once that is gone the pyramid collapses and any other right that stems from that right to live, is destroyed and disintegrates into the mire.
That is why abortion is a non-negotiable for Catholics and really anyone calling themselves a so called Christian. Because everything else stems from that one single issue. The right to live, the right to life.
We have taken the greatest gift and privilege that God has given to us and pretty much thrown it back in His face, not only rejecting it but condemning it and then making excuses for that condemnation. We have been given the gift by the Almighty God, creator of the universe to participate in that creation of life, life that has dominion over all other creatures on this earth. It was the first commandant He gave, be fruitful and multiply. It is shameful that we have deemed power, career, wealth, and possession more worthy than bringing life into the world and into the universe.
What have we lost? Have we lost the cure for cancer? What glorious arts have been slain through the killing of what may have been brilliant minds and genius thoughts and creative works? We will know one day, and be held accountable for it.
We are all wicked, only God is good. Yet we let Satan fool us every day and consume out hearts with pride, arrogance and self absorption. Love is only found in sacrifice and gift. If we truly love we will sacrifice ourselves to bring others to life, not kill to win award statues of worldly prestige, idols of Satan. Yep, it is difficult, and sometimes we find within the appearance of the wicked the ideals and values we must hold dear fighting to make an appearance and be made known.
If Catholics would truly be Catholic, we could change the world, we could transform all of creation and mold it to the glory of God. It seems though, there are many other things more important and pressing for us: that house, that boat, that career - all temporal things that will never grant us happiness or eternal reward. We all need to start thinking with our heads in the clouds and our hearts conformed to Christ and not this world, and ask for the wisdom to truly stand up to evil, one weapon is prayer and hopefully that prayer will lead us to the frame of mind to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to everyone here on this earth, both born and unborn.