Don’t Aim for Purgatory; You Might Miss!
I absolutely cringe at the Sign of Peace. Next to the "meet-and-greet" social before Mass starts (see General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) paragraph 45), it is the most "Protestant" part of the Mass. It seems to come at the worst time - just after the Doxology and the Our Father and right before the Lamb of God - solemn prayers at most solemn points. I experience very little eye contact and flabby handshakes. I have to really assert myself with an extended hand. I get the occasional two-finger peace sign from folks who don't want to bother leaning forward or claim to have a cold. I also get ignored. It's awkward and out of place. This seems especially true during a weekday Mass.
GIRM 84 leaves it to the Conferences of Bishops to establish, in accordance with the culture and customs of the peoples, the manner in which the sign of peace is given. Recall how during some of the worst flu seasons in the past where the handshake was suspended during the Rite of Peace? How peaceful that was.