Here we go again with a very persuasive and intelligent explanation of WHY we are NOT to USE the ORANS POSITION during the Our Father. I am sorry, I must have missed the memo about the 13th commandment ---"Thou shalt not hold your hands out while praying to the Lord God Almighty."
I say 13th for we have the 11th, the Great Commandment given by Jesus and the 12th or last given by Jesus "Love as I have loved you."
Meanwhile I have a question to ask. What is it that you fear, when you see those hands are held out during the Lord's Prayer? What is it that you are afraid of, dear child of God? Is our Catholic liturgy, Mass, the Church itself going in a wrong direction that may make it less Sacred. Maybe also, do you fear the Catholic Church may be coming more like a "non-Catholic service?" What are you fearing? What is really the issue in declaring "thou shalt not hold your hands up?"
Beloved of God, the Catholic Church has come along way since day one when Jesus said,
"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. Mathew 16:v 18
Since our beginning, there have been very necessary changes and 21 councils held to do that. The term Catholic was not even used until about 110 AD when Saint Ignatius used those words in a letter to clarify the difference between other groups that also called themselves 'the church.'
Quoting the last sentences of the Oran's Blog---The Eucharist, “the source and summit of the Christian Life” (
LG 11) is consecrated here. Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords makes Himself present during the Mass. It is of the utmost importance that we treat the Mass with the respect it deserves. This is not the time nor the place to get creative and inject one’s own style and preferences.
I agree with the first three lines. I add this comment and TRUTH, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords---because He is God IS PRESENT EVERYWHERE AT ALL TIMES AND IN ALL OF OUR Brothers and sisters of the Lord. Not just at Mass. So let us not forget that last request Jesus made. "Love as I have loved you."
Again why are we getting upset over a posture of someone whose love of God is very personal or should be. Let us rejoice and be glad that they are there at Mass! They are worshipping Jesus with arms wide open. "Here I am, Lord. I come to do your will--Thy will be done--they Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven."
Which brings me to another thought---is Heaven going to be an eternity of hands folded and everyone in constant adoration of Jesus? We are promised ETERNAL LIFE, not a never ending Mass. Today, if you are aware of the Presence of the Trinity in your life everyday---you are already living LIFE that is a taste of our Heaven to come. Peace, joy, fun, laughter, dancing---YES DANCING--we will enjoy all that God has created for our pleasure and HIS GLORY!!! Oh, Heaven is going to be so AWESOME!! Embracing Jesus with arms wide open, well that is the first thing I want to experience there!