Truth and Love in the Face of the 2020 Election
I overheard a comment the other day from an associate. She was mentioning her inability to get to Mass because of her busy work schedule. She assumed that God would understand her situation and her lack of attendance at Mass that week.
The statement made me sad. It really is unfortunate that so many of us just don’t understand or “get” the real miracle of the Mass. It is a shame that people don’t comprehend the fact that we don’t go to Mass for God. God has given to us the gift of the Mass; we go for ourselves. Are we really so arrogant to assume that God needs us to do anything for Him? He really doesn’t need us at all, but we do need Him. We need Him desperately and this is why we go to Mass.
“It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass.” St. Pio of Pietrelcina
It seems that if one truly believes in the Miracle of the Mass, missing would never even be considered an option. Why would we ever miss the opportunity of receiving the very Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ into our very own being? “When we receive Holy Communion, we experience something extraordinary – a joy, a fragrance, a well-being that thrills the whole body and causes it to exalt.” St. Jean Vianney
Why would anyone give up an hour of Heaven. After all, that is where we are during the Mass, in Heaven. Heaven comes to Earth, and Earth reaches up to Heaven as we unite in glory, all the Angels and Saints together, in this World and the next. “The angels surround and help the priest when he is celebrating Mass.“ St. Augustine We should be so hungry for the Eucharist that our hearts are on fire and ablaze with Joy on Sunday mornings. St. Jean Vianney stated: “If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy.” The Mass is the most gracious and blessed of all gifts that God has ever given us. “The celebration of Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the cross.” St. Thomas Aquinas
So, it makes me sad that so many of us just don’t understand and appreciate this gift. During Lent we are preparing to celebrate the very sacrifice that made this gift possible. So many of us don’t truly appreciate the enormous suffering, pain, humiliation and brutal death that made this gift possible and was so lovingly and freely offered. A gift that will hopefully bring us closer to the only important goal we should be striving for here on Earth: Heaven and Eternal Life with God.
I wonder why the goal of Heaven for eternity is such an important achievement for so many, when an hour of it on Sundays is not.
So don’t let the Devil convince you that God understands. You don’t go there for God, you go there for yourself. I would challenge you to learn more about the Mass, because believe me, once you understand it and truly appreciate it’s revelation, you will never be willing to miss. When you go to Mass you are unwrapping a most wonderful present from God. When you don’t, you are throwing that present in the trash.