Pray the Prayer of Dance
I walked into the grocery store this past Friday and my heart rate started to race as I realized that 60% of the food was gone because of the coronavirus quarantine. I had never seen a grocery store that empty in my life.
Now, I was feeling pretty peaceful until I went to the grocery store, and from that point on, the panic set in. I have dietary restrictions and realized this could be really challenging for me once I noticed a lot of what I could eat was running low.
What if we run out of food? What if there really isn't enough?
That got me thinking about greed. I think we become greedy when we are afraid and when fear leads us to think there may not be enough. We over-prepare. We over-buy. We over-hoard.
All logic disappears. We turn to survival mode.
I think some of it is also control. Having more stocked away makes us feel more controlled. It gives us confidence and maybe even peace of mind.
But this is an opportunity for greater faith and trust.
In reality, God is the one in control. He provides. He ensures there's enough. He feeds us.
Interestingly enough, God unexpectedly led me to a healthy food grocery delivery service after my painful visit to the grocery store.
This way, I can minimize the fear and panic, stay peaceful, receive a set amount of groceries each week without the temptation to go overboard, and have enough of the food I need for the time being.
Problem solved...He always provides.
Now the question is...How does He want to provide for you?