Why Me? Why Me? Why Not Me?
Recently I heard a beautiful song by Sara Bareilles with lyrics that clearly spoke to me of my call in the midst of this global health crisis:
Be the hand of a hopeful stranger
A little scared but you're strong enough
Oh be the light in the dark of this danger
Til the sun comes up
(Sara Bareilles, Safe Place to Land)
Are you also feeling called to be that hopeful stranger who brings light to the dark? Do you feel scared, confused, and uncertain, but also filled with the strength of God within you?
I'm certain that's our call right now as disciples. To be God's hope and light in the midst of this tragic fear, suffering and darkness.
We who have walked through adversity, challenges, isolation and pain have learned our lessons. We've learned where our strength and hope comes from: the Lord. Now, we're equipped to help others. We can point the way to Him in the midst of all this. We know that all this suffering is part of the journey and that God is with us through it. We will make it to the other side if we walk alongside God, and if we trust that He wants only our good.
And we know another truth: We don't have to be afraid of sickness and death because our true joy lies in spending eternity with our Heavenly Father. I don't know about you, but that lights me up inside!
So shed hope. Shed light. Shed peace. Shed strength. Shed God's promises.
Be the hopeful stranger because you are the living image of Christ within this.