To be a doula or not to be a doula? That is the question! Plus a giveaway!
I just read this article from our Catholic 365:
I totally agree with the author. We should stop being afraid. God has given us directives to "Fear Not".
I believe we need to send in petitions to our Bishops, Cardnials - even the Pope himself - this is what we should ask for:
1. That the public Masses be restored immediately and allow the faithful to attend (see more under guidelines below).
2. Call for the Bishops of all the world to say an act of consecration to Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 13th the Feast day of Fatima - "I consecrate my diocese (name it) and Russia and China to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and ask Jesus through Mary's intercession to end this covid-19 epidemic and to restore the health of the people and the financials of our country (name country or say United States of america). Amen."
3. Ask the Pope Francis to also do above consecration for the City of Rome, Vatican, and Italy.
4. Ask for a Prayer Vigils to be continuous - one idea here would be to offer a Perpetual adoration at your churches with 2-3 people praying each turn for the hour - do this for a week - any week - choose one for each parish of the diocese - like start Holy Week (I realize Good Friday is an exception - but up to Holy Thursday), then the following week the next parish, etc.
5. Rosary Procession - we could do this on Divine Mercy Sunday and May 13th - Fatima Day - or choose another special day to offer a Rosary Procession - Process with Blessed Sacrament if possible - procession- people can still stand 6 feet away from each other and do this - ok folks - this is possible - we need things like this. If you cannot get a Rosary procession - then start like a Rosary online novena - and have families pray it together online.
6. Keep aprise that the news media is not going to tell us everything and that we need to turn it off and pray instead.
7. Guidelines for attending Mass when opened up again - have people sit 6 feet away from each other. When, going to Communion - have priest offer it on tongue only - people can open mouths (wide) or attend Byzantine Mass - they use a spoon - only non-sick people go to Mass for now. Kneeling for Communion might be a better way as well. If the priest decides not to offer communion - we can all do spiritual communion.
Confessions can be done in open air areas and set up outside or in an open area - or "drive by confessions" as needed.
I encourage everyone to ask for the Mass back in public. Fear not - again!!
If we encourage each other.
8. If we can ask our priests to expose the Eucharist publically - if they do not do Mass - the priests can still offer adoration times - I think this should be done on a weekly basis if Perpetual adoration is impossible - then this would be the next best thing to offer - let the faithful come in their cars - and expose the Eucharist for oustide adoration!!
OK, hope priest, religious will consider some of these ideas for the faithful. As parishioners we need to write our bishops and see what they can do. Amen.