Jesus Ascended on the FIFTH day! Just by Accident?
Frogs are not just for kids. It is deep stuff
The land is like a foundation. The sea is like chaos. You cannot build a house on the sea. It will sink. It will drown in chaos. There is nothing to hold anything together in the sea. Nothing. Only chaos and death.
The earth is what you need to build a house. Only idiots don't realize they need foundation for building.
Spiritually, this is also true. Jesus said He is the rock. Yes, but on top of him you also need a rock. Because eventually there is rock beneath the sand. You have to have rock on top of rock, not sand on top of rock. This means that, if we can liken Jesus as the source of all truth and grace, then what builds on top of Him has to have the truth and grace in all fullness and without error. Cuz if what you build on top of Jesus is a confounding of truth and grace, then you have like sand.
Ok, so only the Catholic Church is that Rock on top of the Rock. It is a human and divine Rock on top of an absolutely Divine Rock.
Protestantism is built on Jesus way below, but in between them and the rock is all sand. They are ever shifting from one place to another. When the chastisement comes, their houses of error and minimal grace will collapse, and they will see their need for both Rocks. the mystics foretell this overall. That is, they say that after the minor chastisement, Christians will be reunited to one Flock and One Shepherd, Peter, the ultimate rock of the Catholic Church, the one they call Cephas, after Kepha, which means rock in aramaic..
Now, the Protestants are like the sand because sand is part earth and part sea. It lies in between the full foundation and full lack of foundation. That is, Protestantism is part truth and part falsehoods. They cannot agree on very much, other than the beginning of the journey and its end. that is, they know you need faith and repentance, like Baptism, and they know what we strive for is the heavenly marriage, and isn't this a coincidence that these are the only two sacraments they have, baptism and marriage. I have written about that alot here, but we'll go there later.
So the full foundation is the RCC, the middle religion is Protestantism, and the full lies is the sea, no foundation.
So, obviously, when Jesus says build you house on the rock, he means the rock of truth and grace, since only truth and grace, sought after and lived in full, can truly give a foundation to society.
To the degree that society rejects truth and grace, they make war between themselves and God, and then between themselves. The sea!
Ok, so what about frogs? Well, humans can only live on land. In the sea, they will drown. BUT, frogs can live in both!
A frog can live on land or water! And hence, if humanity associated itself with a frog, as in the three frogs that emanate from the mouths of the diabolical trinity in the apocalypse, the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, humanity will be telling itself that it can live on the land or the water, that is, figuratively, on God's truth and grace, or completely without it. Either way it will be fine.
Isn't that our modern relativism world? They say, if it works for you, fine, but I got my own thing. Either way, we are all good.
Brothers and sisters, a relativistic persecution is brewing just as atheism was brewing in 1917. let us pray for strength and bring extra oil. Get confirmed if you are not. And pray for the grace of your confirmation to multiply without bounds, cuz we need as much oil as Jesus can give us!