God Sends Workers into the Harvest Field
Ode to Solitude
Some days events and people invade my space-
My time spent talking to the Lord;
“Goodness, goodness,” I cry,
“Come, reset me Lord, to stay with Thee.”
Longer days and nights now seem the norm
Friends and family no longer “drop in.”
Unexpectedly my world has shrunk-
A pandemic virus roared into the earth.
Now I have all time for Thee,
I still cry out for help and plead,
“Tell me, Lord, what I am to do?
This quiet keeps me from adoring You.”
I begin my prayers each day to You,
Not adoring but questioning
Looking for answers, not understanding,
“Why, oh what did we do to You?”
Experts quote, “The world is amiss-
Inequality, divisiveness, and gluttony, too.”
Still your voice of love cause one to dwell
In hope, “You will show us the path of life.”
Let the world reset, go back once more-
Harmony and peace reign among all men;
Not I and me alone, but we and all,
Together make the world one world for Thee.
Mary Rivers