HAPPY NEW YEAR - the Pilgrimage Begins!
Just this morning, on FaceBook, I was privileged to read two posts from two acquaintances who are diametrically opposed politically - one being a rabid Donald Trump Supporter, the other a Never Trumper Democrat. Both see themselves as good men - pro life, love their country and their mamas as the song would celebrate.
The Trump Supporter posted: I would pay good money to see Trump punch Nancy Pelosi in the face.
The Never Trumper Democrat posted: Trump is a racist POS. If you defend him YOU are a racist POS and I will tell you that to your face.
These two posts were the bread in a political post sandwich. The filling was a post from another pro life Catholic who was just shocked that Mr. Obama made a statement against the present administration's handling of the Pandemic. The person was very adamant that a sitting president should NEVER be criticized by a former president and furthermore this was only done by Democrats.
The train of thought actually included a comparison between the Papacy and the Presidency of the United States - in other words President Obama's criticism of President Trump's response to the Pandemic is akin to Pope Emeritus Benedict the 16th criticizing Pope Francis.
Added atop that filling was a post from an equally outraged pro life Catholic Democrat, struggling hard to save that party from itself, who posted, "The attack on Mr. Obama just proves that the present leader is mentally ill".
To me all these posts are indicative of the mess that has been made of the American Mind. Our inability to think beyond tribal positions is costing us much more than morality, good humor and patriotism; rather, all the posts outline quite well the danger of a Duopoly in politics as well as what happens when the adults take on the victim mantle so common among the children today.
Why do I think this?
I have been blessed with a love and fascination for history. While I would never pretend to be an expert, I do know that knock-down-drag-out politics is nothing new on the American Landscape. Sitting Presidents have been criticized by their predecessors, their opponents and the American People without mercy. Donald Trump may be crass but his brand of bare knuckle fighting is hardly new. In fact, if we want to be really tough on ourselves people like me who cringe when these type of posts hit social media are really being big babies. Trump differs only from Teddy Roosevelt in the quality of his insults. TR's were much better worded.
I think the difference is that we are subjected to it non stop 24/7. We now know what President Obama said five minutes after he said it and we have a sitting President who undermines his own administrative team - the one HE PUT TOGETHER - with nonsensical late night tweets.
So what happens?
I tell you what I think happens. I think what happens is that the average American doesn't listen anymore and just punches back like their political hero.
For example: I happen to think President Trump is correct to demand some answers from China about this virus. I also think some of his fellow billionaires need to pull their manufacturing the hell out of that country and return it to the US. Will this mean I may have to pay twice as much for an iPhone? Maybe. Maybe not. What it will mean is that Tim Cook can regain some credibility by not demanding same-sex, gender neutral bathrooms in North Carolina while allowing his product to be built by slaves so he can make more money. It may mean I pay more for a product but it could also mean that the workers making that product get a decent wage that allows them to support their family - and if I get to choose to purchase an American made product to support those workers, guess what? I am going to do it.
It might also mean that these same companies that moved out the US for cheaper labor can rethink their business models. Perhaps they might look at the idea of Distributism and how that could be applied to their production so that everyone in the immediate area wins - the owners, middle management, the workers - EVERYONE.
Just think; maybe, just maybe, if women can support themselves in a work environment that supports them and allows them to make a decent living they won't fall prey to the lie that they cannot reach their full potential unless they kill the child in their womb. Maybe, just maybe, if men can support their families they won't be so willing to pressure their wives or girlfriends into ending the life of that child because they cannot stand the pressure of one more mouth to feed.
I bring this to bear on the posts I see on social media because I think that the manner in which these posters behave make having this type of non-partisan, honest and open discussion of what is going sideways in this country impossible. How can I say to someone who posts that anyone who 'defends this POS is a POS' that I think he is right to challenge China on their managing of the pandemic? How can I state to someone who is virtually weeping over how the former president is criticizing the current president that maybe Mr. Trump needs to start being a bit more honest about the role his fellow capitalists are playing in the problems we have today? Or, at the very least, get the heck off of Twitter.
How can you have a discussion about employing the ideals of distributism within a capitalist economy if people think distributism is communism and solidarity is socialism?
How can you have a discussion about a Pro Life world if the only thing the person holds before you is the March for Life? And why can't it be okay to say, "I am so glad Mr. Trump spoke at the March for Life. Now we have to get working on this economy so that it can support that agenda?".
I am not a registered Democrat. I am not a registered Republican. I belong to the American Solidarity Party. We do not have a perfect platform in my opinion but it is a platform that allows me to participate in the political life of my country without having to be a part of the shenanigans I see every day on Social Media. It is a platform that allows me to vote and express an opinion without using foul language, nasty tweets, promote violence against opposing politicians and otherwise behave in a manner that denigrates my own mind and my Faith.
I get it...it is a new world. Right now it is a rather scary world. I think we have more important things to worry about than whether or not a sitting president has an opposing opinion from that of the former president or visa versa.
In other words, I think it is time we grow up. Not just 'them' - all of us....me included.
It is not about dignity it is about doing the right thing....and we all need to be willing to stop sweating the petty stuff and get to work.
Maybe.....maybe....maybe if our focus becomes outward and being productive we will stop finding it necessary to advocate for punching people and actually have something meaningful to offer to our country.