Who out there is tired of hearing 'bad news.' Over and over the same 'word' being used to talk about what needs to be done, how we are to live and why we must do as we are told!!
This morning upon waking up, the body is stiff and sore, the mind numb and feeling very dead!! Another day of our new normal way of life.
These thoughts pop up--"Who cares about this present day and this TERROR!!" In other words by now---who cares if people may get sick and die. That has been a daily occurrence for years now! So big deal ---let us get over it!"
Then like being sucked into quicksand, a quagmire---one negative thought led to another and I wondered if this is what APATHY is. Just wanting to withdraw and quick trying to live a happy life. WHO CARES what you do or don't do?
Then comes an understanding 'look,' a ever present PRESENCE---and the gentle push of the Holy Spirit to ---"GO DO WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD TO DO EVERY MORNING TO START YOUR DAY. Go wash your face with a cold wash cloth."
That is right dear ones. Washing my face with a cold wash cloth, even scrubbing it--MAKES ME FEEL ALIVE! It wakes up the senses!!! As I turned on the water--the litany of 'praise and thankfulness' began, as the Holy Spirit fed me thoughts.
There is water in my life. I can move, feel, see, hear, smile, THINK, choose, there is a roof over my head, food in the kitchen, and last I checked ---my husband is alive and I am living in a free country. And, thank you God: for the most important FACT ---I have YOU in my LIFE!!!
Negative stinking thinking, and listening to those who speak it----breaking news, bad news, and WHAT CAN HAPPEN, might happen, possibility happen: it is like walking into quicksand!! It WILL SUCK YOU IN AND TRAP YOU IN A LOUSY DAY!!!
Who wants to live with a grump? Then let the "SONSHINE IN!" Do as you have been told to do---Live in Love---by living with GOOD or GOD thoughts!
It is our choice the path we take---Keep His GOOD NEWS on, in and with you all the time. His words, His promises, and speak them aloud into your mind as you go forth into LIFE. Any other choice---is to walk not on Water, but into the quicksand of apathy and despair.
Now, go try it ---go scrub your face with a cold wash cloth---and if you really want to be alive, do a whole body 'make over,' and scrub your whole body with that cold wash cloth. Remember---"I am the Living Water--come unto me and be refreshed!"